Rear Wheel Bearing Seal Orientation


John Friese

I'm in the process of changing the drive shafts, rear wheel bearings
and seals. When I removed the old seals the outer seal had the flat
side to the outside and the inner seal had the flat side to the inside
of the hub. I noticed in the maintenance manual two notices that the
"face" side of the seals should be facing the outside of the hub. I
don't know what the "face" side of a seal is but in any event this car
was not assembled that way. Since it has less than 5000 miles on it,
I doubt these seals were changed in the past. I'm not sure which way
to install the seals, the way they were or the way the maintenance
manual says, though without knowing what the face side is, I'm rather
stuck there too. Does anyone know, for sure,which way these things go

John Friese

P.S. The inner universals were shot on both axles. Victims of the
difficulty of lubing the older axle design, I suspect. The outer
universals appear to be fine. Is anyone interested in getting these
universals. I've thought of keeping them in case I have one go bad in
the future but I actually hope to aboid this problem in the future.

Gerald Okins

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<font size="2">"face" side is flat side of seal. the part of the seal that is flexible and has what looks like a metallic spring running around it should face the inside of the hub. if you look at the cross sectional pictures in the maint. manual, it shows this fairly well. don't always trust whatodomsays-it is easy to disconnect the cables from older cars and no one would notice (or like my car, the cable broke at 8,000 miles). unlike today, wherea computer will still pick up the miles a car has been driven.</font>
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<div style="FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message -----
<div style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black">From: John Friese
<div style="FONT: 10pt arial">To:
<div style="FONT: 10pt arial">Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 10:23 PM
<div style="FONT: 10pt arial">Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Rear Wheel Bearing Seal Orientation

<tt>I'm in the process of changing the drive shafts, rear wheel bearings
and seals. When I removed the old seals the outer seal had the flat
side to the outside and the inner seal had the flat side to the inside
of the hub. I noticed in the maintenance manual two notices that the
"face" side of the seals should be facing the outside of the hub. I
don't know what the "face" side of a seal is but in any event this car
was not assembled that way. Since it has less than 5000 miles on it,
I doubt these seals were changed in the past. I'm not sure which way
to install the seals, the way they were or the way the maintenance
manual says, though without knowing what the face side is, I'm rather
stuck there too. Does anyone know, for sure,which way these things go