Need Input on Amphicar Forum Email Settings


Amphicar Forum Admin
Staff member
Hi all,

As many of you have seen, the email integration to the new Amphicar forum is now working. Should you want to turn OFF instant delivery of posted messages just click on the "unsubscribe" link at bottom of any message received (such as this one). This will not eliminate you from the forum, it will only stop email delivery.

Question for all of you. As you can see, all messages from the forum use a single email address. Many users like this setting to allow incoming rules to process the e-mails using Outlook rules. Alternatively, it could be set to the name of the person posting. Anyone have a preference?

I will be putting together a transition FAQ soon.




New Member
Need Input on Amphicar Frum Email Settings

My only issue with how they are currently coming is
that I don't know who sent them if they don't sign the
message. If possible I'd prefer to see the name of
the person posting but when I hit reply I'd like it to
go to the list.

And people in He?? want ice water!

Otherwise it seems to work nicely. Even on the MAV.

--- AmphicarLovers Forum
<> wrote:

Hi all,

As many of you have seen, the email integration to the
new Amphicar forum is now working. Should you want to
turn OFF instant delivery of posted messages just
click on the "unsubscribe" link at bottom of any
message received (such as this one). This will not
eliminate you from the forum, it will only stop email

Question for all of you. As you can see, all
messages from the forum use a single email address.
Many users like this setting to allow incoming rules
to process the e-mails using Outlook rules.
Alternatively, it could be set to the name of the
person posting. Anyone have a preference?

I will be putting together a transition FAQ soon.




Amphicar Forum Admin
Staff member
OK, that was easy. I like it. You see who sender is but subject line still shows it is a forum message and default reply address is still the group. Just like in Yahoo. I will leave it this way for now.


New Member
I like the new board, it is easier to view all items contained within the topic you are looking at. Thanks for all the hard work and time that you have put into this transition.:cool:


I tried to get a Daily Digest like I used to get with the old Yahoo group, and it doesn't work. All I get is (between the ==== signs):

You are subscribed to the forum General Amphicar Discussion, there have been 2 new thread(s) and 2 updated thread(s).

The following threads are new:
Testing New Forum Email Integration
In forum: General Amphicar Discussion
Started by: mike_israel
Last post: 12-29-2007 02:40 PM
Need Input on Amphicar Forum Email Settings
In forum: General Amphicar Discussion
Started by: mike_israel
Last post: 12-29-2007 09:23 PM

The following threads have been updated:
Poll: How Do You Feel About Moving Amphicar Lovers to new Forum
In forum: General Amphicar Discussion
Started by: mike_israel
Last post: 12-29-2007 09:39 AM
Thanks Mike, for this forum!!
In forum: General Amphicar Discussion
Started by: CapnJohn
Last post: 12-29-2007 11:52 AM

All the best,
Welcome to The Amphicar Lovers Digest / Forum

But as you can see, no text of the messages. That is a pain. I'll try another setting, but I really liked having a daily summary.


Amphicar Forum Admin
Staff member
The setting for instant delivery will give you full text of messages. Daily digest just gives headers. Will see if I can modify that but not sure yet,