Mike Echemann
Mike, Whatever you decide is fine but I have no problem with Yahoo. Now I
do hate junk email but ads on the bottom of msg's don't offend me at all.
I've never had a problem with them and they don't seem to actually get in
anyones way. After awhile you don't even notice them..
I also like being able to access the site from anywhere on the web. Thanks
for offering this.
PS: Thanks for the Blockbuster card. You certainly didn't and shouldn't have
done this. I'm happy to lend tools anytime. They get used that way.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Israel" <amphicar770@yahoo.com>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 2:16 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Your opinion needed. To move the list from Yahoo
or not?
> Hi All,
> OK, here is the deal. We have the oportunity to move
> the list to another list mailer. Mark Bradakis hosts
> many of the largest automotive lists in cyberspace
> such as british-cars, triumph, etc. Mark has kindly
> offered to host the amphicar list on his team.net
> servers. I see bothe pros and cons to this.
> There has been some grumbling of late about the
> Yahoogroups service to the list. While I think we
> have dealt with the virus issue by disabling
> attachments, the advertisements remain with no option
> to eliminate them. On the other hand, Yahoo does
> offer other services such as the shared files library
> and web based viewing of messages, both of which get a
> fair amount of use. It also provides an easy
> mechanism for modifying your options once you have
> established your Yahoogroups account. The majordomo
> server which we would potentially move to is a
> traditional listserver. It works very well but there
> are fewer bells or whistles.
> Anyway, do let me know what your thoughts are. I will
> use the feedback from listmembers to determine if I
> will move it or not. In either case a special thanks
> goes to Susan Hensley for contacting Mark on my behalf
> about hosting on his servers.
> Best Regards,
> Mike Israel
> List / Digest Admin
> 65 Amphi (white)
> __________________________________________________
> Send your FREE holiday greetings online!
> http://greetings.yahoo.com
> To UNSUBSCRIBE from this group, just send an email TO THE FOLLOWING
ADDRESS (this is not the same address for posting messages):
> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com.
> Any other issues may be addressed to the list owner/admin (Mike Israel)
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
do hate junk email but ads on the bottom of msg's don't offend me at all.
I've never had a problem with them and they don't seem to actually get in
anyones way. After awhile you don't even notice them..
I also like being able to access the site from anywhere on the web. Thanks
for offering this.
PS: Thanks for the Blockbuster card. You certainly didn't and shouldn't have
done this. I'm happy to lend tools anytime. They get used that way.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Israel" <amphicar770@yahoo.com>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 2:16 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Your opinion needed. To move the list from Yahoo
or not?
> Hi All,
> OK, here is the deal. We have the oportunity to move
> the list to another list mailer. Mark Bradakis hosts
> many of the largest automotive lists in cyberspace
> such as british-cars, triumph, etc. Mark has kindly
> offered to host the amphicar list on his team.net
> servers. I see bothe pros and cons to this.
> There has been some grumbling of late about the
> Yahoogroups service to the list. While I think we
> have dealt with the virus issue by disabling
> attachments, the advertisements remain with no option
> to eliminate them. On the other hand, Yahoo does
> offer other services such as the shared files library
> and web based viewing of messages, both of which get a
> fair amount of use. It also provides an easy
> mechanism for modifying your options once you have
> established your Yahoogroups account. The majordomo
> server which we would potentially move to is a
> traditional listserver. It works very well but there
> are fewer bells or whistles.
> Anyway, do let me know what your thoughts are. I will
> use the feedback from listmembers to determine if I
> will move it or not. In either case a special thanks
> goes to Susan Hensley for contacting Mark on my behalf
> about hosting on his servers.
> Best Regards,
> Mike Israel
> List / Digest Admin
> 65 Amphi (white)
> __________________________________________________
> Send your FREE holiday greetings online!
> http://greetings.yahoo.com
> To UNSUBSCRIBE from this group, just send an email TO THE FOLLOWING
ADDRESS (this is not the same address for posting messages):
> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com.
> Any other issues may be addressed to the list owner/admin (Mike Israel)
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/