Wishing we were there!

  • Thread starter Mark_Richardson@Mahleinc.com
  • Start date


Come on you guys, this is depressing not seeing any messages posted
on the list. I know, everybody is having fun in celina right now, but
we can still hold up our end and post our feelings on the list. I for
one am having a cold malt pop and thinking about all the fun everyone
is having. I am issuing a challenge to everyone who could not go to
post a message this weekend. I think everyone who is there would want
it this way. So, lets go! I am going swimming this weekend at my lake
here in humid Tennessee and thinking about next year. How about it!
Mark Richardson

Susan Hensley

You think THAT'S depressing -- we don't even HAVE our car yet, then it will
take us probably about a year to get it restored right. But it will be in
our greedy little clutches in about a month! So we'll probably have it at
Celina 2003...

Susan Hensley :)

Mark_Richardson@Mahleinc.com wrote:

> Come on you guys, this is depressing not seeing any messages posted
> on the list. I know, everybody is having fun in celina right now, but
> we can still hold up our end and post our feelings on the list. I for
> one am having a cold malt pop and thinking about all the fun everyone
> is having. I am issuing a challenge to everyone who could not go to
> post a message this weekend. I think everyone who is there would want
> it this way. So, lets go! I am going swimming this weekend at my lake
> here in humid Tennessee and thinking about next year. How about it!
> Mark Richardson
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

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has anyone ever thought of making new ones. not like the one in england
----- Original Message -----
From: "Susan Hensley" <racespit@netzero.com>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] Wishing we were there!

> You think THAT'S depressing -- we don't even HAVE our car yet, then it
> take us probably about a year to get it restored right. But it will be in
> our greedy little clutches in about a month! So we'll probably have it at
> Celina 2003...
> Swimmingly,
> Susan Hensley :)
> Mark_Richardson@Mahleinc.com wrote:
> > Come on you guys, this is depressing not seeing any messages posted
> > on the list. I know, everybody is having fun in celina right now, but
> > we can still hold up our end and post our feelings on the list. I for
> > one am having a cold malt pop and thinking about all the fun everyone
> > is having. I am issuing a challenge to everyone who could not go to
> > post a message this weekend. I think everyone who is there would want
> > it this way. So, lets go! I am going swimming this weekend at my lake
> > here in humid Tennessee and thinking about next year. How about it!
> > Mark Richardson
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> > amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> >
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> NetZero Platinum
> No Banner Ads and Unlimited Access
> Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month!
> http://www.netzero.net
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

Ed Howard

Wishing I was in Celina also, but...

First I must get an Amphicar!

I should be in the market by the end of this year, so
it is my goal to get to Celina (or wherever) in 2002
towing my very own Amphicar on a trailer behind my RV
(at least I already have the RV!).

By the way, here in Southern California on public TV
there is a local host named Huell Howser who does a
show called "California's Gold". It's about quirky and
fun things that make California unique. A few days
ago, he did an entire half hour segment dedicated to
the Amphicar. It was a great show.

At home dreaming and saving money for future fun!!!

Ed Howard
Amphihcar wannabee
Orange County, CA

--- greg <gtmode@cyberback.com> wrote:
> has anyone ever thought of making new ones. not like
> the one in england
> greg
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Susan Hensley" <racespit@netzero.com>
> To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 8:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] Wishing we were
> there!
> > You think THAT'S depressing -- we don't even HAVE
> our car yet, then it
> will
> > take us probably about a year to get it restored
> right. But it will be in
> > our greedy little clutches in about a month! So
> we'll probably have it at
> > Celina 2003...
> >
> > Swimmingly,
> > Susan Hensley :)
> >
> > Mark_Richardson@Mahleinc.com wrote:
> >
> > > Come on you guys, this is depressing not seeing
> any messages posted
> > > on the list. I know, everybody is having fun in
> celina right now, but
> > > we can still hold up our end and post our
> feelings on the list. I for
> > > one am having a cold malt pop and thinking about
> all the fun everyone
> > > is having. I am issuing a challenge to everyone
> who could not go to
> > > post a message this weekend. I think everyone
> who is there would want
> > > it this way. So, lets go! I am going swimming
> this weekend at my lake
> > > here in humid Tennessee and thinking about next
> year. How about it!
> > > Mark Richardson
> > >
> > >
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email
> to:
> > > amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
> >
> >
> > NetZero Platinum
> > No Banner Ads and Unlimited Access
> > Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month!
> > http://www.netzero.net
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> > amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> >
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
> >
> >
> >


I will take the challenge, Mark! Your right, posting is a little weak
today, but I guess it is understandable. Who in their right mind would
prefer sitting at their keyboard instead of floating in the florescent
green of Celina!!!

Congrats to you and Becky, you have a much better reason than I for
not attending. I stepped on a nail a month ago, got infected with a
nasty bacteria, and am sitting here with a IV in my arm! Good news
though, it is on the mend!

So, to all of you at Celina, I wish you all to have a wonderful safe
time and would somebody make sure Amphipoda doesn't end up terribly
inebriated and find himself sleeping under a car in the parking lot.

Paul Lalewicz
64 Green

Craig Taylor

Ok heres one for ya.... I'm at Pump Station #3 on the trans Alaska
pipeline doing tank inspections. About 100 miles south of the Arctic
ocean. I'm about as far away from Celina as you can get and all I have
far an Amphi is a 3 inch madel.... This Sucks!
Craig, cold and grumpy in Alaska

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark_Richardson@Mahleinc.com
Date: Friday, July 27, 2001 4:58 pm
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Wishing we were there!

> Come on you guys, this is depressing not seeing any messages
> posted
> on the list. I know, everybody is having fun in celina right now,
> but
> we can still hold up our end and post our feelings on the list. I
> for
> one am having a cold malt pop and thinking about all the fun
> everyone
> is having. I am issuing a challenge to everyone who could not go
> to
> post a message this weekend. I think everyone who is there would
> want
> it this way. So, lets go! I am going swimming this weekend at my
> lake
> here in humid Tennessee and thinking about next year. How about
> it!
> Mark Richardson
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@egroups.com
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> http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

Al Heath

Re: Re: Wishing we were there!

>> as anyone ever thought of making new ones. not like the one in england?

Yes, and also thought about stretching into another flavor of an
"Amphizine" such as the one up in the NorhtEast. As for the new ones, why
are they always Jet drive? The props on the car really get the attention
compared to just a jet outlet. Sit at a stop light and engage the props
with a van load of school kids behind and see the reaction! Wouldn't be
the same with a Jet? And how about those off the unimproved shore
excursions ... Jet's suck up mud and stones very easily if you decided to
not utilize an improved boat ramp. Mechanics of a jet are easier to build
in, but I think I would prefer props ... counter rotating and separately
engageable for better low speed manuvering.

Just my 2 cents worth as I'm sitting here in Texas looking a the weather
fronts instead of splashing at the Eagles.

Al (Almost made Celina due to last minute withdrawal pains) Heath
4 H20 2

Ray Handloser

Mark, this was the best ever. Chris & I are considering taking the
Amphicar to Mt.Dora next March. Ray

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., Mark_Richardson@M... wrote:
> Come on you guys, this is depressing not seeing any messages posted
> on the list. I know, everybody is having fun in celina right now,
> we can still hold up our end and post our feelings on the list. I
> one am having a cold malt pop and thinking about all the fun
> is having. I am issuing a challenge to everyone who could not go to
> post a message this weekend. I think everyone who is there would
> it this way. So, lets go! I am going swimming this weekend at my
> here in humid Tennessee and thinking about next year. How about it!
> Mark Richardson