White Post

  • Thread starter Michael Echemann
  • Start date

Michael Echemann

Fw: White Post

Randy; Try going in and updating your password to a Yahoo one now that they
have take over egroups. You can also log in and post a msg from inside
rather than using your mail program directly.
Thanks for the info,

----- Original Message -----
From: Randy Tusone <ECA6Randy@netscape.net>
To: <echemike@earthlink.net>
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 10:45 AM
Subject: White Post

> Hi Mike,
> Would you please forward this to the list for me. For some reason
e-groups has screwed me up. I can receive messages from the group but
cannot send them to the group. They won't respond to me in any way except
automatically. It sucks.
> this is in response to your request about white post.
> Thanks,
> Randy
> Hey all,
> Billy has used White Post and has been very pleased with their service.
They are somewhat expensive on rebuilding wheel cylindars, but they are
lifetime warranted, stainless steel lined, with superb workmanship.
> It's definately the place for wheel cylincars! he has also used them for
shoes and found them to be very nice.
> One thing I will say is that there are very, very few people who will
reline shoes with asbestos for you. It is very important for amphi's to
have the asbestos in the brake shoes. Don't think it's hard to get,
because you can still buy floor and ceiling tiles that contain asbestos, as
well as things like transite shingles for the outside of your house!
> The reason that asbestos is important is that it is water resistant. It
will help to keep your brake shoes from falling apart after repeated water
> Now, I must say, people are very afraid of asbestos. Much more so than is
warranted. Look at it this way, asbestos occurs naturally in rocks. when
you drive down a highway past open rock faces you are being exposed to
asbestos. When you walk outside in a city, you are being exposed to asbestos
because it is in many of the brakes and clutches used in cars and especially
heavy trucks. The worst thing you could to when exposed to asbestos is
> I know this as an asbestos building inspector and asbestos management
> Randy
> __________________________________________________________________
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Mark Richardson

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<font face="Arial" size="2">Well, I can add my name to the list of satisfied customers of White Post for rebuilding my wheel cylinder and relining the shoes. They even replace all rubber & pistons, so you just bolt it on. As a result I have taken my car in the water here for the first time today. Have not been swimming for 8 months & I could feel the excitement of the private ramp owner as he waved & shouted to his neighbor as we drove up his bank and plunged back in with a splash.All the work has paid off in a 10 minute ride. Swimmin in Tenn, Mark </font>

Craig Taylor

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<font face="Arial">Does White post need a core sent out? How do their break shoes hold up in an Amphicar. Are Amphicar break shoes supposed to be water resistant?</font>
<font face="Arial">Craig, Flat Lake Alaska</font>