White Amphi in Arizona



My wife is visiting her sister in Mesa Arizona. Yesterday she saw a
white Amphicar with red insert strips going down the road. I wasn't
aware of such a car over there. Does anyone know who owns that car?
I don't see a member, with such a car, in Arizona.
John Friese


My name Is sully
I have an Amphicar 64 RED (just out of the body shop)
I'm in Tucson Arizona

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Randy Bograd

I have no information about the Amphi in Mesa, AZ, but your note made me
wonder if there is any such thing as an Amphicar census. I know there are
over 200 members in the Amphicar club, but how many cars does this
represent? I'd be interesting to know the amphicar population. Just a

'67 in Gaithersburg, MD

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B Crombie

----- Original Message -----

I'd be interesting to know the amphicar population. Just a
> thought.
> Randy
> '67 in Gaithersburg, MD

For starters as you know, Marc Schlemmer keeps a "Vin vs Year Chart" located
at his web site. Today there are 47 cars listed. In fact, last night I
sent Marc some info on a local Amphicar that was not listed. With the
owners permission and thanks to Marc, his Amphicar is now listed. I believe
the primary reason Marc generated this page is to see the different Amphicar
features placed on the cars over the years. Anyone who knows of Marc's site
should list their Amphicar info for the benifit of all owners. I don't know
Marc's web site off hand but if you go to www.amphicar.com and click on
"meet the club" then scroll down to Marc's beautiful Lagoon Blue Amphicar.
Click on his name and you will see "Vin vs Year Chart". Thats the info Marc
is looking for.
As far as a census goes, I'm not sure if Marc wants parts cars or "burn
unit" cars like Dave the Wave's on his list. I know of two other Amphicars
in my area that are not on Marc's list. My plan is to contact these owners
and hopefully walk away as an owner of two(or three?) Amphicars because they
ARE the coolest cars in the world!

Brian Crombie
64 Red (Euro-Amphi)
On Marc's list


I am also the owner of a couple of Buick Reatta's. It's a fairly
unusual car that was built for only 4 years. The website for those
owners is very active and someone there has been compiling a list of
all VIN numbers for the cars with their colors and options. They have
been doing it for at least a couple of years now. Members of the
group are asked to send in any info that they can get on the cars they
find. It's a pretty long list now but, of course, the car was made by
GM and there's more of them around than Amphicars, though there were
only about 300 1991 convertibles made which makes them a really rare
bird. Even as rare as that, I know of two of these rare cars within
30 miles of me.

John Friese

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., Randy Bograd <rdboggie@j...> wrote:
> John,
> I have no information about the Amphi in Mesa, AZ, but your note
made me
> wonder if there is any such thing as an Amphicar census. I know
there are
> over 200 members in the Amphicar club, but how many cars does this
> represent? I'd be interesting to know the amphicar population. Just
> thought.
> Randy
> '67 in Gaithersburg, MD
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> > http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
> >
> >
> >