Warehouse AMPHICARS possible trade for real estate in MA,ME,NH?



I was speaking with the owner of the "Warehouse Amphicars".and he
said he would possibly consider trading for real estate in NEW
HAMPSHIRE,MASSACHUSETTS OR MAINE.So if you have any real estate you
would possibly consider trading or willing to buy then trade.I can be
reached at gumpit@rcn.com Please only serious possible deals only.I
am already overwhelmed with emails about these cars.But because my
friend is private and obviously a bit excentric (sp?),I must first
decide if the people emailing are worthy of contacting him directly.I
am not a broker and not a middle man.He is a friend and I am not
trying make anything off this so go easy.I am only trying to help all
who are seriously interested. Remember the pics are posted in the
photos section under "warehouse amphicars" Thanks Randy