


<table style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">I'm way behind on getting to my e-mails, but the TEEN VOGUE Amphicar article was due we thought in the August issue. Then in the September issue, but so far it has not materialized. We'll just have to wait and see. Vic Nelson in Florida


<table style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">For anyone looking forward to the TEEN VOGUE article due supposedly in August or September- the latest word via member Peter Fredsall ( who is on the internet even less than I am ) is that the article at this time has not been scheduled. He talked with the person in New York with TEEN VOGUE so this is more or less the latest word. (Peter has what looks to non-Ampicarites to be identical to my vehicle, though it is in fact a 1961. Peter lives in South Daytona about 15 miles away and we are frequently involved together with our Amphicars. He and I were 2 of the 5 involved with the TEEN VOGUE photo shoot. Though the article may be in limbo and may never materialize, the shoot itself was a ball of fun for all of us involved. Victor Nelson with the 1967 Split Personality.

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