Un-invited guests


"Cap''n" John

Yes, I have had that same problem with my Harley a few times. I
caught one guy sitting on her banging the foot shifter and twisting
the throttle. Grrrrrrrrrr. I grabbed him by the collar and yanked his
rude little butt right off my pride and joy. I now have an empty
holster mounted to the saddlebag gaurd. They see that and wonder
where is the gun for the holster. Not a problem since!

Another couple of weeks and my Amphi should be all the same color!
Then the re-assembly begins.

Cap'n John

P.S. - I am loving my new job at Quantum! Much thanks to Exabyte for
laying me off!


Sometime things work out that way. Worked at a plant in Eng for 19yrs
7mo, needed 5 mo to be vested, closed plant. I was 42 wondering what to
do. Some of my Eng friends heard of a job, I took it for 6mo. Wound up
there for 20 yrs, plant sold, outside looking in again. However they
"retired" to many people and couldn't keep things going. I'm in my 11th
year as a consultant about to call it quits. I miss my Amphi and I am
getting older in body. Time to kick back and enjoy. Am just finishing a
job in Chicago. Cicero WWTP, nice name for sewer plant. Should finish in
a few weeks. Hope to get in touch with some folks there with Amphi's.
Take care and good fortune in the new endeavor, Pete "H" from Phila


It's amazing how they have to hang on to the "Fins" when they walk around
the car/boat. I like the summer time with the bra less ladies, make sure
you check out the propellers !!! Enough said, sorry