I keep hearing that Amphicar transmissions are NOISEY! Can someone
describe what "normal" is? Are they as loud as a shop vac in the back
seat? Do they sound more like a large blender as it makes that first
pitcher of Marguritas? Maybe like a gas powered concrete saw? mine is
so loud that you CANNOT talk over it while driving. This is with the
backseat in, with it out you can't stand to drive it. Whenever you
come to a downhill grade you shift to neutural and coast. It sounds
like it is rapidly destroying very expensive gears. I do not expect
it to be quiet like a modern gearbox But if mine is normal it's no
wonder they had a hard time selling these things. I have heard people
describe "quiet" Amphicar transmissions with some type of oil
additive in them. I would be happy with a tolerable level of noise. I
shouldn't have to wear ear plugs to drive it and I know that I can't
turn the radio up that loud.
Bill Capron
I keep hearing that Amphicar transmissions are NOISEY! Can someone
describe what "normal" is? Are they as loud as a shop vac in the back
seat? Do they sound more like a large blender as it makes that first
pitcher of Marguritas? Maybe like a gas powered concrete saw? mine is
so loud that you CANNOT talk over it while driving. This is with the
backseat in, with it out you can't stand to drive it. Whenever you
come to a downhill grade you shift to neutural and coast. It sounds
like it is rapidly destroying very expensive gears. I do not expect
it to be quiet like a modern gearbox But if mine is normal it's no
wonder they had a hard time selling these things. I have heard people
describe "quiet" Amphicar transmissions with some type of oil
additive in them. I would be happy with a tolerable level of noise. I
shouldn't have to wear ear plugs to drive it and I know that I can't
turn the radio up that loud.
Bill Capron