Transmission leaking oil


I've been cleaning the floor and engine bay of my car in preparation for paint and the last time I went back to it, I noticed transmission oil on the floor pan. It appears to be coming from the speedometer take off. The speedometer cable has been removed. My questions are:
1. Is there a seal in there that's leaking?
2. If there is, can it be easily changed with the transmission still in the car?


Amphicar Expert
There is NO seal in there,
It is a machined fit, with a reversed spline to drive oil back into case.I have a used case here I just wasded today, I will take it out and snap a picture.Note the noutch in the alu. tube. Trans stud passes threw this to hold in place and stud must be removed to get the assembly out.
I do have a NOS one at home in Ontario but will be in Fl for another month

Craig Parada

Craig Parada
2011 07 21_1705s.jpg2011 07 21_1699s.jpg2011 07 21_1701s.jpg2011 07 21_1703s.jpg2011 07 21_1699s.jpg2011 07 21_1701s.jpg2011 07 21_1703s.jpg 2011 07 19_1769s.jpg
I've been down this road - after cleaning and repainting the bilge, and replacing seals and checking every fitting, the first time out there was the hypoid gear oil again!

Lots of light and a good mirror revealed a tiny hole in the transmission case seeping an amazing stream of oil. The challenge was that it was on the bottom, and not big enough for push a sewing needle through. It turns out that castings in the 1960s weren't quite up to modern standards, and it appears that my trans had been seeping since 1964! This was not an uncommon problem in the era - even with cast iron, but especially with aluminum.

The repair was made by draining the transmission, then using a very tiny pick and file to open the hole up, and using a very small drill make the opening round and regular. Then I embedded a small screw and cut the top off. The whole area was cleaned with solvent, alcohol and finally detergent and water. The surface was roughed up slightly and the area covered with metal epoxy. Lots of time upside down with tiny tools and mirrors.

It all worked fine, so now I just have the normal engine oil seepage, which doesn't smell nearly as bad.


Craig, thanks for the tip. It could be I'm dealing with the same issue.
Gord, if I do need to replace the case, I probably won't tackle it without your assistance.
I'll post again after I've had a closer look.

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
Make sure your speedo cable is actually fully tightened. Craig nice pics- I bet that has been the problem on my car. Dave


Dave, if the leakage is coming from the speedo take-off, will it stop when the cable in installed and fully tightened?

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
Yes. The speedo gear pushes a little oil out to lube cable. If cable not seated properly or loose it will leak. Dave


I'll get in there for a close look and see if the leak is really coming from the spedometer conection. If it is, my new cable, correctly tightened will hopefully stop the drip. Thanks everyone.