

Michael Echemann

I'ts from an owner of an Amphicar in Switzerland. I received a like
message. I'm sure it was from the same person. He's looking to buy
something but I cannot determine what. All of the msg does not translate.
PS you are more popular that the Beatles by the way.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Derer <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 10:29 PM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Translation

> Can anyone translate this into English? I believe it says the Dave the
> Wave is as popular as The Beatles. je suis propri?taire d'un Amphicar in
> Switzerland and search pins,sigl oder insigl of Amphicar.Contact me
> please,je paie le prix qu'il
> faut,ou donnez-moi une adresse.merci,thanks
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

David Derer

Can anyone translate this into English? I believe it says the Dave the
Wave is as popular as The Beatles. je suis propri?taire d'un Amphicar in
Switzerland and search pins,sigl oder insigl of Amphicar.Contact me
please,je paie le prix qu'il
faut,ou donnez-moi une adresse.merci,thanks

Bill Connelly

> Can anyone translate this into English? I believe it says the Dave the
> Wave is as popular as The Beatles. je suis propri?taire d'un Amphicar in
> Switzerland and search pins,sigl oder insigl of Amphicar.Contact me
> please,je paie le prix qu'il
> faut,ou donnez-moi une adresse.merci,thanks


In a highly abbreviated Swiss variant of "Franglais" of "Frenchlish" it

I own an Amphicar in Switzerland and am looking for pins, patches or other
Amphicar regalia. I'll pay the going price, or please give me an address
[presumably of an ACTUAL supplier and not, say, Monica Lewinsky's personal
trainer]. Thanks."

You can always reply with:

"Je suis tr?s d?sol?, mais je ne comprends pas le fran?ais, ni j'ai tous les
insignes. J'ai un Amphicar ? vendre. Voulez-vous acheter cela? Voyez s.v.p.: "

This translates roughly as "Very sorry, but the only "French" I know usually
involves consenting adults, not do I have any pins or other doodads, but I
DO have a whole Amphicar to sell. You want it? Please see: "

~Le Maestro du Bilge~

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