Amphicar Expert
This is a list we can all add to.
Todays must do,
This should be done when car is dissasembled, before blasting or cleaning.
but should be done to EVERY CAR(Amphicar)
Cut or drill an inspection hole in the top of the frame.(In front of tranys a good spot)
I do it big enough to get a shop vac hose in and a garden hose in.
drill a 1/2 inch hole in side near rear(just infront of trany)
Sometimes you are lucky and there clean but most are full of a type of sewer mud.!!!The blackest drittyest stuff I have ever seen.
I run the garden hose in it and move from rear to front many times till water comes out clear. once done let dry..(restore car) then put a removable plug in small hole an pour in some oil. then cap top hole. This is a real bummer to do to a clean restored car but all should be inspected.
Club is welcome to use this in news letter.
Todays must do,
This should be done when car is dissasembled, before blasting or cleaning.
but should be done to EVERY CAR(Amphicar)
Cut or drill an inspection hole in the top of the frame.(In front of tranys a good spot)
I do it big enough to get a shop vac hose in and a garden hose in.
drill a 1/2 inch hole in side near rear(just infront of trany)
Sometimes you are lucky and there clean but most are full of a type of sewer mud.!!!The blackest drittyest stuff I have ever seen.
I run the garden hose in it and move from rear to front many times till water comes out clear. once done let dry..(restore car) then put a removable plug in small hole an pour in some oil. then cap top hole. This is a real bummer to do to a clean restored car but all should be inspected.
Club is welcome to use this in news letter.