Ahoy Amphi Wanna-be,
I hear Steve R. has already contacted you
about a ride this coming weekend in San Diego.
I'd off as well, but my Amphi has some bearing
issues I must address. However I plan to join
in the fun with you guys and so we will meet.
I showed Steve some of the ins-&-outs of Amphi
before he took the "plunge"... now her owns 2
Amphis! If I can help in any way please feel
free to ask - if I don't know the answer I'll
find out or make up something clever.
'64 Turquoise
Sandy Eggo, CA
I hear Steve R. has already contacted you
about a ride this coming weekend in San Diego.
I'd off as well, but my Amphi has some bearing
issues I must address. However I plan to join
in the fun with you guys and so we will meet.
I showed Steve some of the ins-&-outs of Amphi
before he took the "plunge"... now her owns 2
Amphis! If I can help in any way please feel
free to ask - if I don't know the answer I'll
find out or make up something clever.
'64 Turquoise
Sandy Eggo, CA