To Amsoil or Not to Amsoil, That is the question


Michael Echemann

Installed Trans/ To amsoil or not to Amsoil that is the question. Any
suggestions. I know its' suppose to be great stuff but:
1. Why won't 80-90 weight be fine if it was years ago.
2. How much do the cars get driven
3. I don't want leaks from inside the two trans's. I've never experienced this
before but lately it seems I've heard a lot about it.

Any suggestions.


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David Chapman

>Installed Trans/ To amsoil or not to Amsoil that is the question. Any
suggestions. I know its' suppose to be great stuff but:
>1. Why won't 80-90 weight be fine if it was years ago.
>2. How much do the cars get driven
>3. I don't want leaks from inside the two trans's. I've never experienced
this before but lately it seems I've heard a lot about it.

1. Transmissions were inexpensive years ago ! Any lubricant will reduce the
rate at which a component wears - Amsoil is at least twice as good so
trannie wears half as fast.
2. Even more important to use Amsoil which has anti-rust additives in the
3. That's because of the club gift last year ! - or maybe the seals are just
getting old. It happened to me once on a car with a worn transmission before
I started using Amsoil so I don't think that is the issue.

David Chapman

Hope that helps you make the right choice !
I've just ordered $200 worth of Amsoil gear lube and grease for use on my
amphis - and then spent another $150 shipping it all to the UK !

Michael Echemann

Trans was filled with Amsoil, I've used it without problems in the past but
had to ask for comments since I've been hearing so many stories about trans
leakage between the two lately. I resist using synthetic oil in the engine
but have in the trans without problems so I went ahead with the Amsoil.

Good point David about the dipsticks helping people notice the levels more.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Chapman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] To Amsoil or Not to Amsoil, That is the

> >Installed Trans/ To amsoil or not to Amsoil that is the question. Any
> suggestions. I know its' suppose to be great stuff but:
> >1. Why won't 80-90 weight be fine if it was years ago.
> >2. How much do the cars get driven
> >3. I don't want leaks from inside the two trans's. I've never
> this before but lately it seems I've heard a lot about it.
> 1. Transmissions were inexpensive years ago ! Any lubricant will reduce
> rate at which a component wears - Amsoil is at least twice as good so
> trannie wears half as fast.
> 2. Even more important to use Amsoil which has anti-rust additives in the
> oil.
> 3. That's because of the club gift last year ! - or maybe the seals are
> getting old. It happened to me once on a car with a worn transmission
> I started using Amsoil so I don't think that is the issue.
> David Chapman
> Hope that helps you make the right choice !
> I've just ordered $200 worth of Amsoil gear lube and grease for use on my
> amphis - and then spent another $150 shipping it all to the UK !
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Mike Israel

I do not attribute the leaking tranny reports to the
use of Amsoil. In part, it is probably due to more
people on the list and the fact that others go, "hmm,
you mean they are not supposed to do that".

When Mobil 1 first came out, way back in the 70's I
think, they did not include seal swellers in the
original formulation. This did result in leaks and
synthetics got a bum rap. While that problem was
addressed decades ago, the rumors persist that
synthetic oil will result in leaks. Urban legend at
this point in time.

One think people should be careful of in the tranny is
to use a GL4 and NOT a GL5 spec lube even though GL4
is harder to find these days. The additives in GL5
are not kind to the bronze bushings used on older
vehicle gear boxes such as the Amphicar. There are
Amsoil products, as well as Redline which is another
excellent product, that are GL4 spec.


Mike I.

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In a message dated 7/13/03 7:05:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> 3. That's because of the club gift last year ! - or maybe the seals are
> just getting old.

David- what are you referring to or meaning with this statement. The club
gift to which you refer I am guessing is the Fluid level measuring device. Vic
"Splash" Nelson near Daytona

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David - I see by a later e-mail from Mike that I apparently missed a
reference somewhere, but that the implication was that the dipstick helped avoid
situation. I had contrived a nearly identical device when I first acquired my
Amphicar and concur that it eliminates a lot of guesswork or makes the
assertation of the fluid levels easier. Vic "Splash"' Nelson

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