Three Cheers for Victor and Dave

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Hi all,
On behalf of those who attended I want to thank Victor Nelson and Dave Monier
for all their efforts.
Mount Dora was just great with thirteen happy Amphicars playing among more
than 200 wooden boats.
Thursday afternoon we cruised the Dora Canal, 2 miles long it is one of the
"10 most beautiful waterways in America." To our delight a group of about 65
of the restored wooden boats from the show was idling along in the opposite
direction. The canal is wide and all idle speed so at a distance of 15 feet
we had a grand show.
Friday is the best day all the venders, boats, woody cars, exhibits and great
food with only one-third the crowd.
Saturday was so much fun -- big crowd, sunny day so many people appreciative
that we would let them be around the Amphicars and answer a few questions.
The parade was great, through town down the hill and onto the lake. So many
photos and applause, they make us feel so welcome. The banquet was the best
yet and no less than thirty-five Amphi people were in attendance. It was a
"pitch 'til you win" style restaurant (all you can eat) so we all left fat
and happy.
Sunday is a short day, many people go to the Sunday service on the water but
this year it was too windy and then it started to rain.
Any successful gathering takes a lot of preparation and this wonderful event
is the proof of that. Vic and Dave deserve a big THANK YOU. It gets better
every year and this year Mount Dora was a lot better.
Thanks Dave, Vic your efforts are very much appreciated.

Tommy and Lynne in Tampa

Next year I will try to organize a Thursday afternoon "The Dora Canal Cruz"
be there or be square.

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