Mike Echemann
Two thoughts: For one I feel a slight sense of loss as the last few years I
sort of felt like you carried the Amphi Flag high for all of us with your
semi cross country trips. A feat many of us might not even consider let
alone embark on yearly. You reminded me the Amphi WAS capable of land
transport AND can finish the journey. I salute you for this.
Second: I did feel bad for you each time you drove into Celina looking a
bit burnt orange and needing a cold beer oh sooo badly. Somehow I knew your
excursion was worth the effort in your mind. That said, having four kids of
my own I say "it's about time" to give your amphi a break and give it a
lift. She might complain at first but she'll get use to it.
Regarding your vacation: I remember Salt Fork State Park in Ohio to be nice
but it's been years since I've been there. I'd point towards Wild and
Wonderful West Virgina if I were you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Connelly" <billiam@erols.com>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1:00 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] The Lone Bilgemeister gets all domesticated
> Every year since 1995 I've piloted my Amphicar north under its own steam
> "solo missions" from my place just outside of Washington, D.C. to all of
> various Swim-Ins, first in upstate New York and later to Celina. That was
> all well and good when all of life was a "solo mission", but nowadays,
> even our second kid now taking her first steps, it's really time to start
> thinking about putting the whole annual lone hejira thing to bed and
> out a more gracious segue from the Swim-In into a proper "Family
> I've managed to get together a suitable tow vehicle in a 1976 Dodge Van
> a "big enough" 318 V8, and so now I'm on the lookout for likely lakeside
> cottages or other suitable digs to hole up the wee clan for a week or two
> before, during or after Celina (July 25-28th). So if anyone has any tips
> for any such places anywhere roughly east of Celina and north of North
> Carolina where a family of four could settle in for a couple of weeks
> the end of July-beginning of August, we'd love to hear about it. Please
> contact me off-list at "bilgemeister AT amphicar.net" with any
> Thanx!
> ~Bilgemeister~
> To UNSUBSCRIBE from this group, just send an email TO THE FOLLOWING
ADDRESS (this is not the same address for posting messages):
> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com.
> Any other issues may be addressed to the list owner/admin (Mike Israel)
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Two thoughts: For one I feel a slight sense of loss as the last few years I
sort of felt like you carried the Amphi Flag high for all of us with your
semi cross country trips. A feat many of us might not even consider let
alone embark on yearly. You reminded me the Amphi WAS capable of land
transport AND can finish the journey. I salute you for this.
Second: I did feel bad for you each time you drove into Celina looking a
bit burnt orange and needing a cold beer oh sooo badly. Somehow I knew your
excursion was worth the effort in your mind. That said, having four kids of
my own I say "it's about time" to give your amphi a break and give it a
lift. She might complain at first but she'll get use to it.
Regarding your vacation: I remember Salt Fork State Park in Ohio to be nice
but it's been years since I've been there. I'd point towards Wild and
Wonderful West Virgina if I were you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Connelly" <billiam@erols.com>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1:00 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] The Lone Bilgemeister gets all domesticated
> Every year since 1995 I've piloted my Amphicar north under its own steam
> "solo missions" from my place just outside of Washington, D.C. to all of
> various Swim-Ins, first in upstate New York and later to Celina. That was
> all well and good when all of life was a "solo mission", but nowadays,
> even our second kid now taking her first steps, it's really time to start
> thinking about putting the whole annual lone hejira thing to bed and
> out a more gracious segue from the Swim-In into a proper "Family
> I've managed to get together a suitable tow vehicle in a 1976 Dodge Van
> a "big enough" 318 V8, and so now I'm on the lookout for likely lakeside
> cottages or other suitable digs to hole up the wee clan for a week or two
> before, during or after Celina (July 25-28th). So if anyone has any tips
> for any such places anywhere roughly east of Celina and north of North
> Carolina where a family of four could settle in for a couple of weeks
> the end of July-beginning of August, we'd love to hear about it. Please
> contact me off-list at "bilgemeister AT amphicar.net" with any
> Thanx!
> ~Bilgemeister~
> To UNSUBSCRIBE from this group, just send an email TO THE FOLLOWING
ADDRESS (this is not the same address for posting messages):
> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com.
> Any other issues may be addressed to the list owner/admin (Mike Israel)
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/