Tap Tap Tap ... Hello, Is this thing on?



Hello anybody there?
For your sneezing car tray checking the little tube in the carb that the gas
shoots out of. They fall out and or get plugged. if plugged us a wire from a
wire tag type of thing to clean it out.
Tim Wick
parked for the winter white 63in Wisconsin

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Cap''n John

Just thought I'd see if anyone was home! Hopefully it will be nice
enough to go for a swim this weekend.

My cars runs great except after about 20 miles or so, it "sneezes"
(carb) if I throttle up some either while on the water or on the road.
Not a backfire, but a light "sneeze" until she gets up to speed. Any



Yes, we are all still here. Perhaps taking a break now that it is

A coworker invited me today to bring my Amphicar to his 2nd grade
son's "Show-N-Tell" Day at the little one's elementary school.

Although there was no opportunity to float at the school (!), I did
bring the car as well as a video of me on the TV news from earlier
this year. After watching the TV clip, all the little kids marched in
single file out to the parking lot to see the real thing.

What a kick!

A true "smile" car!

Ed Howard
Orange County, CA
1948 Playboy
1957 BMW Isetta Bubble Window Z-molding
1964 Amphicar
1967 Sunbeam Alpine

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Cap'n John" <minnow@a...> wrote:
> Just thought I'd see if anyone was home! Hopefully it will be nice
> enough to go for a swim this weekend.
> My cars runs great except after about 20 miles or so, it "sneezes"
> (carb) if I throttle up some either while on the water or on the
> Not a backfire, but a light "sneeze" until she gets up to speed.
> ideas?
> Cap'n