Swim ins


Gord Souter

My wife has backed out(can you blame her) of going to a swin in next week.
I do need to go to NH. anyway to see Ron Trudeau so would still like to try
and get to the Boston meet.
I anyone Along my Route would like to go let me know.I am 1 hr north of
Toronto and would go threw Buffalo and across or come down from top end of
Lake Ontario.
Gord Souter,Canadian 4 amphs,

MY new phone # is 1 705 327 2820

I buy, sell and restore Only Amphicars
over 700 different parts for sale.
Interior kits and fibreglass panels my specialty!

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Gord Souter

10-75 cars....Dave your not suppose to count all the brand X cars in the
camping ground ,
Only the Amphicars.(Dave has a little bit of an exaggeration problem)
Looks like a wet day at the Fea market today in Ont.

John Capone.. Rob is suppose to be bringing my sample for you to see.Call me

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David Derer

Its time to think about Lake of the Ozarks. We will be having a Swim In
end of September. Ozarks is a zoo during Summer but off season it is a
paradise. This Years attraction is really really fast boat racing. Last
Year We watched the Beach Boys from our cars and land. year before was
record breaking side by side launch. (Were Kamakazi got his nick name).
The powers in charge may want to visit. Lots of ramps, water,
restaurants and motels. Plus the wicked hot days of Summer will be
over. Idea I have been working on is meet at one motel. Load up gear in
Amphis and head out via Amphis,with stops along the way to another motel
after a full day of cruising. As Celina goes I am totally ready for a
change. The every other Year thing sounds like a good idea if it stays
in Celina. Later Dave the Wave.