stuff Por15


Dave Derer

Ken in Louisiana sent me an oil cooler and a picture of the beautiful
hills of Louisiana. Thanks Ken. I infected a new group of High School
students. Even with all the current crap that is out there, an Amphicar
can still wake up the most "bored" acting student. The one particular
kid , had legs draped over desk and comatose expression . By the end it
was that kid that was smiling the most ,sitting behind the wheel. Even
asking questions.
I do not use Por 15 any more. If conditions are not just right it tends
to peel. Using an acid etch primer and epoxy seems to get an excellent
results. Dupont Corlar is one choice, plus it can be top coated. Plus
comes in different colors.
Thanks Amphipoda for Mermaid shirts- very nice- That reminds me I need
to get tube tops for my rubber Mermaids. They did cause some ripples at
High School. Later Dave the Wave

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


You're most welcome. Hope your dad enjoys his too.
As for the topless rubber mermaids... glue some shells
over the "offending" regions and all will be well.

--- In, Dave Derer <dmd@e...> wrote:
> Thanks Amphipoda for Mermaid shirts- very nice- That reminds me I
> to get tube tops for my rubber Mermaids. They did cause some
ripples at
> High School. Later Dave the Wave
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



None of the POR15 has ever come up in my car. I followed the
instructions from POR15 and have had great success so far. Could it
have been too cold or maybe just not clean enough? (My car was
blasted to bare metal). Did you use "Marine clean" and "Metal Ready"
before applying the POR15? These are the usual steps missed that
cause the POR15 to fail.

There are several products available that work well too, so go with
what works for you.

ANYONE - I need a clear picture of a large bilge plug and upper
mounted heater!

WTB - Horn body/horn/mounting braket
- Left headligt eyebrow (presentable)