Michael Echemann
Today I found myself at a local auction in Michigan where a huge crowd was
there to bid on household items, many tools of all kinds etc. etc. etc. A
lifetime of a packrat(ing) yet good stuff. There in one row were several
boxes stuffed with all NOS Amphi parts. There were front and rear bumpers,
a couple of conv. tops, a set of props, complete set of brake assemblies, a
couple of sets of gauges, two sets of hub caps, clutch disc and plate, all
the cables including parking brakes and lenses for the car including hood
marine lens, moldings, orig.type air filters, plastic gen. pulleys, oil
filters, maint. manual, fuel tap, spare bilge pump parts, extra wheels
cylinders rear, magneto valve, hoses, plugs, wires, wheel bearings, some
yellow interior material etc.
I'm standing there quite amazed by it all and all of a sudden I find myself
standing there watching who if anyone is showing an interest. One guy comes
over with his wife and is speaking to her as if not to be noticed
whispering. I'm thinking oh well, this won't be bought cheap. Then he and
his wife disappear into the crowd. Finally the auctioneers make there way
into this huge garage which the amphi parts are in with tables and tables of
other tools and equipment. One lady shows an interest next to me but as it
turns out she has an ebay business while others are looking over the parts.
Some saying things like "oh yes, these are water car parts remember when he
had one of those but otherwise showing little interest or knowledge.
Time for bidding on this lot finally comes and I'm nervous as a cat with my
number in hand. The auctioneer asks the crowd if anyone wants to separate
any particular part from the boxes to be auctioned by itself otherwise all
boxes and the entire lot goes together. No one says a word and I'm to
stunned to talk so he says the lot goes together. Then he starts the
bidding for the lot at $25.00 bucks. Heart pounding I'm hoping no one bids.
One guy does but I noticed him bidding on previous stuff so I guessed he was
taking an uneducated shot and was not there specifically for the Amphi
parts. I up the bid and it goes back and fourth a bit then all of a sudden
the lady bids, then me, then the guy again. Finally they stopped bidding
and I was able to purchase the parts.
I stuffed everything in my Sable and headed for home. Since my adrenalin is
still pumping this is one story I had to share with the group. I guess the
moral of the story is the next time you notice an auction stop and browse.
If you see a newspaper ad take a quick glance and see what's listed. You
never know what you'll find.
there to bid on household items, many tools of all kinds etc. etc. etc. A
lifetime of a packrat(ing) yet good stuff. There in one row were several
boxes stuffed with all NOS Amphi parts. There were front and rear bumpers,
a couple of conv. tops, a set of props, complete set of brake assemblies, a
couple of sets of gauges, two sets of hub caps, clutch disc and plate, all
the cables including parking brakes and lenses for the car including hood
marine lens, moldings, orig.type air filters, plastic gen. pulleys, oil
filters, maint. manual, fuel tap, spare bilge pump parts, extra wheels
cylinders rear, magneto valve, hoses, plugs, wires, wheel bearings, some
yellow interior material etc.
I'm standing there quite amazed by it all and all of a sudden I find myself
standing there watching who if anyone is showing an interest. One guy comes
over with his wife and is speaking to her as if not to be noticed
whispering. I'm thinking oh well, this won't be bought cheap. Then he and
his wife disappear into the crowd. Finally the auctioneers make there way
into this huge garage which the amphi parts are in with tables and tables of
other tools and equipment. One lady shows an interest next to me but as it
turns out she has an ebay business while others are looking over the parts.
Some saying things like "oh yes, these are water car parts remember when he
had one of those but otherwise showing little interest or knowledge.
Time for bidding on this lot finally comes and I'm nervous as a cat with my
number in hand. The auctioneer asks the crowd if anyone wants to separate
any particular part from the boxes to be auctioned by itself otherwise all
boxes and the entire lot goes together. No one says a word and I'm to
stunned to talk so he says the lot goes together. Then he starts the
bidding for the lot at $25.00 bucks. Heart pounding I'm hoping no one bids.
One guy does but I noticed him bidding on previous stuff so I guessed he was
taking an uneducated shot and was not there specifically for the Amphi
parts. I up the bid and it goes back and fourth a bit then all of a sudden
the lady bids, then me, then the guy again. Finally they stopped bidding
and I was able to purchase the parts.
I stuffed everything in my Sable and headed for home. Since my adrenalin is
still pumping this is one story I had to share with the group. I guess the
moral of the story is the next time you notice an auction stop and browse.
If you see a newspaper ad take a quick glance and see what's listed. You
never know what you'll find.