Steve Behnke - Amphirangers



I spoke with Steve and Agnes today. He sounded good although a bit
weak (to be expected with what he is going through). He can use all
the help we can give him even if it's only good thoughts. Send good
thoughts and prayers his way, would ya?? Please take a couple of
minutes to call him and say hi to let him know we're thinking of him.
The few minutes you spend will be a good distraction from his
situation for him. Celina won't be the same without Steve and his
family (I especially will miss Abbey's bright smile) there. With our
help maybe he'll be well and able to attend next year.

On another un-related note, Out of curiosity, what would one expect to
pay for an Amphi-ranger? Are there any in the US? This is one vehicle
that I would consider trading my Amphicar for... maybe. Certainly I
expect them to be out of my reach anyway. Ya gotta dream!

John Bevins

Re: Re: Steve Behnke - Amphirangers

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Hi John,

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Steve and his family.
We will certainly miss seeing them this year.

I wouldn't suggest wasting a lot of time searching for
an Amphi-Ranger. I tried a few years ago to find one here,
and then spent a lot of time trying to locate one overseas.
At one time years ago, supposedly there was an American
dealer I believe in California or Nevada but to my knowledge
it didn't work out and none were brought over here and sold.
Through my research, I was told through Customs that if I
purchased one I would not be able to bring it into the US
because it would not pass DOT/EPA inspection. And it is
not old enough yet to bring it in as an antique. I don't
know if anything has changed in the last four years, I
haven't checked but I doubt that it has.

Rick Young