Tommy in Tampa
Amphicar Expert
Hi there just a bit about our Amphitruck.
Made by Alvis for the British Army this is a 1968 Stalwart MK II.
It (she) has a name: STAL 11/387 17E T03 and she weights 17460 lbs.
They are a flat bed truck with fold down sides, capable of hauling 10 metric tons ( I would guess 22,000 lbs) they were the work horse of the army used to resupply the forces.
Most were flat beds but a few, now very desirable to collectors, came with cranes.
But ours is now a party platform with its carpeted sound reducing floor and the Barbee in the corner.
Man there is room for fun the floor must measure 7' x 12' all flat.
But the amazing thing is that this sucker SWIMS and I am not kidding. It is a little faster than most Amphicars in the water but only about 1 mile an hour quicker. It is water driven by two thrusters you can see the water intake in the fourth picture. The thrusters put out the same thrust, like the props on an Amphicar but they are steered independently. So you can turn around on a dime. It will turn within its own foot print.
She swims deep, the waterline is just at the lower tip of those bulletproof side vent windows. The lower tips run about three inches under the water.
She sits level in the water with most of the truck underwater.
So take a look, these pictures were taken at the paint shop she is now a nice new shade of NATO Gray.
We used POR 15 Gray and it worked great.
Enjoy, Tommy in Tampa
Made by Alvis for the British Army this is a 1968 Stalwart MK II.
It (she) has a name: STAL 11/387 17E T03 and she weights 17460 lbs.
They are a flat bed truck with fold down sides, capable of hauling 10 metric tons ( I would guess 22,000 lbs) they were the work horse of the army used to resupply the forces.
Most were flat beds but a few, now very desirable to collectors, came with cranes.
But ours is now a party platform with its carpeted sound reducing floor and the Barbee in the corner.
Man there is room for fun the floor must measure 7' x 12' all flat.
But the amazing thing is that this sucker SWIMS and I am not kidding. It is a little faster than most Amphicars in the water but only about 1 mile an hour quicker. It is water driven by two thrusters you can see the water intake in the fourth picture. The thrusters put out the same thrust, like the props on an Amphicar but they are steered independently. So you can turn around on a dime. It will turn within its own foot print.
She swims deep, the waterline is just at the lower tip of those bulletproof side vent windows. The lower tips run about three inches under the water.
She sits level in the water with most of the truck underwater.
So take a look, these pictures were taken at the paint shop she is now a nice new shade of NATO Gray.
We used POR 15 Gray and it worked great.
Enjoy, Tommy in Tampa