Stainless Steel Metric Hardware


I have a hardware store (McLendon's) not too far from me that has a nice
selection of metric stainless steel screws, nuts, and bolts. I know these
can be hard to locate, so if you want some, aren't in too big a hurry, and
ask nice, I could send you what you need. As long as the number of requests
is reasonable, I'll charge only for my actual costs (price plus shipping).

The prices run from about 10 cents a piece for small washers, nuts, and very
small screws. To maybe 50 cents each for a normal size screw (Say 5 mm by
1.5 cm), and say maybe 1 dollar for a typical bolt.

They have pan-head (no countersink), flat-head (completely flush when
countersunk), and oval-head (bulges up slightly when countersunk)
machine-screws. These screws are available with either Phillips or Allen
drives. They don't have any slotted screws. In addition to the machine
screws, they also have hex-head bolts.

Roger St. John
White '63

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mike Israel

I have found that Sears Hardware carries a very good
selection of stainless.

Stainless is great for trim and anything that might
need to come off later. It lacks the tensile strength
of regular steel so it should NOT be used for high
stress items (i.e. pinch bolts).

Mike Israel

--- wrote:
> I have a hardware store (McLendon's) not too far
> from me that has a nice
> selection of metric stainless steel screws, nuts,
> and bolts.

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