Talked with Aiman from WATV. He expects his Car Crazy to be aired August
24 on Speed Vision. I dont have cable so let me know how the Brown
Wonder and I look. When the Amphis were new others tried to push them to
thier limit. Discussion is underway about recreating the English
Channel crossing. I talked with Roger Sallee about crossing the length
of Lake of the Ozarks non stop. About 85 miles. Another trip being
thought of is the Wisconsin Dells. Drive right into the Tommy Bartlett
water show. Go head to head with the Ducks. I think there will be more
regional get togethers. If your planning a local swim let me or
President Marc know so we can get it into newsletter. If you have some
good before and after pics of your car get them to me so we can put a
story together. Later Dave the Wave
24 on Speed Vision. I dont have cable so let me know how the Brown
Wonder and I look. When the Amphis were new others tried to push them to
thier limit. Discussion is underway about recreating the English
Channel crossing. I talked with Roger Sallee about crossing the length
of Lake of the Ozarks non stop. About 85 miles. Another trip being
thought of is the Wisconsin Dells. Drive right into the Tommy Bartlett
water show. Go head to head with the Ducks. I think there will be more
regional get togethers. If your planning a local swim let me or
President Marc know so we can get it into newsletter. If you have some
good before and after pics of your car get them to me so we can put a
story together. Later Dave the Wave