Some quality Amphi time


Randy Bograd

Although it?s not as cold here in the D.C. area as it is in Alaska, it?s
still cold and miserable enough to keep ?Spunky? inside. Nontheless, I
was still craving some quality Amphi time. With a little urging from a
fellow co-worker, I entered my car in the World of Wheels car show held
at the D.C. convention center. This is a show that is judged by the
International Show Car Association. Owners of these show cars spend
thousands, millions, maybe billions of dollars on their cars. I, on the
other hand, have spent $1.29. I never intended to show it?just make it
presentable and use it. Regardless, everyone loved the Amphi?always a
crowd?tons of questions?a true smile maker. And to top things off?we took
3rd place in the restored 58-67 class. What a hoot! I definitely got my
Amphi time. Now what to do with the remaining 50 days of winter.
Gaithersburg, MD
Blue ?67

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!! The thrill of having more people hovered around you
Amphi than the "million dollar trailer queen" is well worth the $1.29.
Glad that you had such a wonderful experience. Please say hello to your
bride for me.


62 Blue and serial number 100202!

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