Some cops have NO sence of humor!


Randy Tusone

...everyone but this one cop that took it way too
personal that we were having such a good time last
year that he asked us to leave and never return
because we were a danger to all the people on the
deserted beach. One observer asked the cops if they
didn't have more important things to do than harass
the Amphicar fun when he should have been a little
more reserved. They had his hands behind his back
and were hauling him off as we were leaving the area.

I hate to say it, but there certainly are some cops
out there who have machismo problems. Those are the
ones that seem to HAVE to harass people having fun.
It's almost genetic for them to be this way. It could
also be one of those wanna be's. He wants to be a
state cop but couldn't make the grade. Like at our
local lake. "you must moore like a boat" "don't be
getting out of the water onto the land, you're a boat
or a car in this park, not both" and best of all they
dubbed us as "attractive nuisance"

Certainly, we would much rather be an attractive
nuisance than any other kind LOL!


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As in any profession there is a small minority that does not represent
their profession in a positive manner. Its always the one out of a hundred
that makes an impression when they do something that is seen in a negative
light. Whether it be in law enforcement, or any other profession. And yes
many volunteer EMS and Firemen rush to a scene where they hear someone is in
trouble. Again maybe there is one or a couple in that hundred of responders
who gets a personal rush out of it. However by far the vast majority is
there because of the satisfaction they get out of helping people. I knew
three of the police officers from New Jersey in the Port Authority that were
killed 9/11. I can't speak directly for them, or for the other 31 police
officers killed from that department (as well as the many many firemen and
EMS workers lost), but I am sure that when they "rushed to the scene" of the
Trade Center disaster they werent thinking of themselves or their wellbeing,
but were thinking along the same lines as most cops and firemen. "What can I
do to help those in trouble" I personally turned down the "state" police
position because as most of the officers I work with I enjoy serving the town
where I live. There is no difference in status on any level of law
enforcement to the majority, who do it because they enjoy helping others.
The sense of pride that almost all of those in law enforcement, firefighting,
or EMS feels, is when they see that they have helped someone who needs their
help. That is usually the only accolades they receive. The constant
negative recognitions come every day however. Maybe that's why that one in a
hundred has become disgruntled over time. Whats sad is forgetting what the
countless thousands do who struggle to keep a postive attitude in a
profession that is constantly put in a bad light by that one bad apple.

Police Officer-NJ

P.S. Back to talking about Amphicars as the list was intended to do :)

...everyone but this one cop that took it way too>
> personal that we were having such a good time last
> year that he asked us to leave and never return
> because we were a danger to all the people on the
> deserted beach. One observer asked the cops if they
> didn't have more important things to do than harass
> the Amphicar fun when he should have been a little
> more reserved. They had his hands behind his back
> and were hauling him off as we were leaving the area.
> I hate to say it, but there certainly are some cops
> out there who have machismo problems. Those are the
> ones that seem to HAVE to harass people having fun.
> It's almost genetic for them to be this way. It could
> also be one of those wanna be's. He wants to be a
> state cop but couldn't make the grade. Like at our
> local lake. "you must moore like a boat" "don't be
> getting out of the water onto the land, you're a boat
> or a car in this park, not both" and best of all they
> dubbed us as "attractive nuisance"
> Certainly, we would much rather be an attractive
> nuisance than any other kind LOL!
> Randy

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