SoCal Swim-In - June 1st (11 AM - whenever)


Steven D. Reich

Shine up them vehicles. Patch those leaks. It's almost time.

Join us at Lake Miramar in San Diego for a day of Amphi fun. Remember, the
venue (no longer San Vicente) has changed so aim for the intersection of
I-15 and Mira Mesa Boulevard. {East on Mira Mesa; right at the
T-intersection onto Scripps Ranch Boulevard; left at the second light to
Scripps Lake Drive; left into the park entrance.}

Feel free to bring some food and drink to share; Amphipoda has offered to
bring extra goodies.

With some help from our Amphi friends up north in the Los Angeles area, we
might get a dozen cars together.

Note: There is no rain date for this event (a SoCal joke).

If you have an email address of an Amphi someone in southern California not
on the cc: list, please send it to me so I can be sure they get an invite.

See you soon.

'64 red (CA: AMPHICR)
'64 red (CA: I SWIM 2)
Del Mar, CA

Steven D. Reich
202 Stratford Park Circle
Del Mar, CA 92014

858 755-6321 (home)
858 204-6321 (cellular)
561 594-4623 (efax)
858 755-1732 (office)

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