sheet metal thickness

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I'm a long time lurker with 2 '62s in tough condition. I'm preparing to
finally start replacing some sheetmetal and have been unable to find
gauge/thickness referances in your archives. Perhaps someone knows this

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 9:20 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Digest Number 457

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There are 7 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Amphicar tool set
From: David Derer <>
2. Amphi Junk Yard
From: David Derer <>
3. Re: GPS and Amphi speeds
From: "David Chapman" <>
4. Re: GPS
From: Mike Israel <>
5. On the subject of GPS....
From: Craig Taylor <>
6. The Amphicar market
From: "Cap'n John" <>
7. Re: The Amphicar market
From: "Eric Mattlin" <>


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2001 08:06:17 -0600
From: David Derer <>
Subject: Amphicar tool set

I believe I have a correct set of factory tools with pouch. I have taken
pictures and are posted at . This should help those
who have wanted to make up a set. Later Dave the Wave


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2001 10:25:48 -0600
From: David Derer <>
Subject: Amphi Junk Yard

I added pics of an Amphi junkyard at my site at I
am sure it will amuse! Later Dave


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 18:03:37 -0000
From: "David Chapman" <>
Subject: Re: GPS and Amphi speeds

> I would like some input on GPS. What do you guys like? Later Dave the

Spooky, I was going to post some stuff about this today !

A couple of weeks ago I bought a Garmin eTrex Vista. It looks like a
cellphone but has a large display on the front, with maps, a trip meter, and
loads of other stuff. It's a wonderful bit of kit ! I won't go through all
the features here, just the Amphi related ones.

It's silver and black case looks OK in Amphi and it's fully waterproof.
Because it's the same size as a cellphone you can use a generic cellphone
holder - I use a groovy section cup one that attaches to the windshield.
Battery life, (2 x AA), is about 20hours so no need to connect to car
It comes with maps loaded which includes boat ramps and new maps can be
downloaded - these go right down to street level and are ZIP code

Accuracy is amazing, GPS really has improved in recent years, it's about 14
feet now - you can even see when you change lanes on the motorway - and this
is on a map that zooms out to cover all of Europe. (The US version has US
maps !)

The Vista is the top of the range model (think it's about US $350) and it
includes a barometric Altimeter AND a static compass, this means you don't
need to be moving to find North - and the compass isn't affected by that
pesky windshield wiper motor magnet.

So - the numbers - with 14 feet accuracy I can be pretty sure the speed
reading is good, I've tried it in a few modern cars and as expected in all
of them the speedometer reads 2 or 3% fast. My Amphicar is running on
175x13 Radial tyres which are slightly smaller than originals - I was amazed
that the Amphicar speedo up to 60mph (as fast as I could go today) is 100%
accurate (or at least within half a mile an hour). Excellent !

I have a rev counter in Amphicar in place of the clock - much more useful !
This tells me that 3000rpm = 41mph

Now the interesting stuff, on the water, these are from the River Avon
today: There were 4 of us in Amphicar, maximum revs I could get was 3450 -
this was nose-up because of the guys in the back, when I'm on my own the
speed limiting factor is that the front starts going underwater.

The engine needs a bit of a tune-up, I can normally get nearer 4000rpm -
it's a slightly tuned 1200.

2000rpm = 3.6mph
2500rpm = 4.4mph
3000rpm = 5.3mph
3450rpm = 6.1mph

2000rpm = 4.1mph
2500rpm = 4.9mph
3000rpm = 5.7mph
3450rpm = 6.6mph

Real speed over ground is of course the average of these. Hope someone else
finds this stuff as interesting as me !

David Chapman in the UK


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 11:19:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Mike Israel <>
Subject: Re: GPS

> I would like some input on GPS. What do you guys
> like? Later Dave the
> Wave

I have had a Garmin GPS III+ for about three years
now. I never leave home without it. It is a great
piece of technology. The III+ is loaded with Maps of
the USA and you can purchase all sorts of additional
detail info (like maps of boat ramps).

About a year ago the govt reduced the skew level which
means this unit is amazingly accurate. With selective
availability (SA) accuracy averaged 100 meters. These
days it is 15 meters or better. I have checked it
against map grid coordinates and have been able to get
an exact 10 digit grid coordinate.

You can store more waypoints than you will ever use.
It also leaves "breadcrumb trails" so that you can
easily backtrack. I once entered the coordinates from
a map to a ramp I had never visited. The Garmin arrow
pointed the way right to the ramp. The unit itself
is very simple to use. I use a simple velcro strip to
mount it to the dash.

Recently Garmin introduced the GPS V. It is the same
unit with automatic route calculations and turn by
turn directions. It also incorporates WAAS technology
which utilizes ground tranceivers to improve average
accuracy to less than 3 meters. You can find some
great prices on the III+ since the V was released.

The Streetpilot II is another really nice unit with a
big color display. A bit on the expensive side but
probably the best portable unit on the market.

Mike Israel
65 Amphi (white)
Amphi Digest Admin


Find a job, post your resume.


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2001 10:55:41 -0900
From: Craig Taylor <>
Subject: On the subject of GPS....

I was wondering if anyone out there has one of the newer Garmans and
could check out the back ground map for my lake here in Alaska. My Zip
is 99652 if that helps. My current GPS III does not show the shore
lines or islands of Big Lake or Flat Lake. These two lakes are
connected BTW. I don't have a road to the house and cummute by boat in
the summer. With early morning fog a GPS is a must have to get to work.
Thanks for the help.

Craig, Flat Lake Alaska


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 13:51:31 -0000
From: "Cap'n John" <>
Subject: The Amphicar market

I am dumbfounded at the lack of real interest in the Amphi I had on
eBay (it got over 3100+ hits 1st time and 2800+ 2nd time). This is a
nice car and priced below what it should have brought. I am not
willing to give it away, but it seems nobody was interested. Hummm...

Has the market gone away? What are your thoughts?



Message: 7
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 14:06:48 -0000
From: "Eric Mattlin" <>
Subject: Re: The Amphicar market

I've been watching the market with varying levels of interest over
the years. I have a belief that the market for convertibles goes
down towards winter and then back up in the spring.

There might also be something going on with the economy in your
experience. I know I'd be hesitant to buy another big ticket toy
these days with layoffs starting at my company today.

Dave had trouble last year with a Red 66. That car was incredible
and has since won a First Prize in California. If I were you, I'd
hold onto it until March are try again. Antiques seem to be seasonal.

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Cap'n John" <minnow@a...> wrote:
> I am dumbfounded at the lack of real interest in the Amphi I had on
> eBay (it got over 3100+ hits 1st time and 2800+ 2nd time). This is
> nice car and priced below what it should have brought. I am not
> willing to give it away, but it seems nobody was interested.
> Has the market gone away? What are your thoughts?
> John


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