Bihari, James
<table>I have a rusty battery tray that was cut out of my Amphi before the shop fabricated a
new one. I'll bring it to Celina if anyone wants it for free.
A couple weeks back I had to pull apart the front of my transmission to replace
noisy bearings that lead to the propeller driveshafts and when I was working on
it I had an idea about how to install rear seat belts. I took a 36 inch piece of angle
iron from a bed rail (my Dad always has that around and says it's stronger than
soft steel angle iron) and using the eye bolts that come with those seatbelts you
buy from that one seatbelt place that advertises heavily in Hemmings, I bolted the
angle iron in place just above the transmission. I was worried about seatbelts wrapping
around the propeller shafts, but with the fiberglass seat bottom board I bought from
Gord Souter last year, I just cut 3 slots in it for the 3 eye bolts, putthe fiberglass board
in place and snap the 4 seatbelt pieces to the eyebolts so that they are above that board and can't fall down to wrap around the shafts. It's really simple and easy to make and it's as strong as the angle iron on either side of the rear seat that I bolted it to (which is
likely not very strong, but the back seat is not a very safe place anyway.) Anyway,
I can leave my back seat out so anyone who wants to look at the setup at Celina
on Saturday can do so as I don't have a digital camera yet.
What is the deal with swap meet space at the show? I wouldn't mind trying to sell
leftover red and white vinyl and upholstery paint (painted my visors with it) and
a 3 person 8 foot inflatable boat (with pump) never used (anyone want it?) and
an engine, transmission and radiator I just bought this morning. Two weeks ago
a guy pulled up beside me on a jet ski and asked if I needed any Amphicar parts.
Since my one bearing was going bad, the water transmission was noisy and I
fearedthe worst at the time and told him I might be interestred in a tansmission. Anyway,I got back with theguy and he finally got back with me and I just bought
the stuff this morning.
The story is that 8 or 10 years ago, the guy and his cousin had a really rusty
Amphithat they got running after aLOT of body patching, but theoil pan was bad
and leaked oil. They pulled theengine and transmission and radiator out
and started to have the engine rebuilt (he bored the cylinders and bought
various new parts) but it sat around so a number of yearsand the cousin
traded the body for a 4 wheeler without this guy knowing or something.
So I bought boxes of parts that I still need to go through. But the engine
is supposedly complete (needs a new oil pan). And the transmission was
supposed to have worked fine when they pulled it out. And the radiator
looks to be in decent shape (no shroud, just the radiator). If there is
interest, I'll bring it all to Celina so folks can look atitand I'll sell
the stuff towhomever offers me the most by the end of Saturday at Celina.
Since I now have experience pulling apart the water transmission, would
any interested folks want me to open it up so you can see the gears at
Celina? I'm here at my Dad's today and tomorrow and he has all the tools,
but I don't. I can be reached Thursday and Friday at my Mom and Dad's
at 330-339-5702. Saturday and later, you can reach me toll free at
Jim Bihari
new one. I'll bring it to Celina if anyone wants it for free.
A couple weeks back I had to pull apart the front of my transmission to replace
noisy bearings that lead to the propeller driveshafts and when I was working on
it I had an idea about how to install rear seat belts. I took a 36 inch piece of angle
iron from a bed rail (my Dad always has that around and says it's stronger than
soft steel angle iron) and using the eye bolts that come with those seatbelts you
buy from that one seatbelt place that advertises heavily in Hemmings, I bolted the
angle iron in place just above the transmission. I was worried about seatbelts wrapping
around the propeller shafts, but with the fiberglass seat bottom board I bought from
Gord Souter last year, I just cut 3 slots in it for the 3 eye bolts, putthe fiberglass board
in place and snap the 4 seatbelt pieces to the eyebolts so that they are above that board and can't fall down to wrap around the shafts. It's really simple and easy to make and it's as strong as the angle iron on either side of the rear seat that I bolted it to (which is
likely not very strong, but the back seat is not a very safe place anyway.) Anyway,
I can leave my back seat out so anyone who wants to look at the setup at Celina
on Saturday can do so as I don't have a digital camera yet.
What is the deal with swap meet space at the show? I wouldn't mind trying to sell
leftover red and white vinyl and upholstery paint (painted my visors with it) and
a 3 person 8 foot inflatable boat (with pump) never used (anyone want it?) and
an engine, transmission and radiator I just bought this morning. Two weeks ago
a guy pulled up beside me on a jet ski and asked if I needed any Amphicar parts.
Since my one bearing was going bad, the water transmission was noisy and I
fearedthe worst at the time and told him I might be interestred in a tansmission. Anyway,I got back with theguy and he finally got back with me and I just bought
the stuff this morning.
The story is that 8 or 10 years ago, the guy and his cousin had a really rusty
Amphithat they got running after aLOT of body patching, but theoil pan was bad
and leaked oil. They pulled theengine and transmission and radiator out
and started to have the engine rebuilt (he bored the cylinders and bought
various new parts) but it sat around so a number of yearsand the cousin
traded the body for a 4 wheeler without this guy knowing or something.
So I bought boxes of parts that I still need to go through. But the engine
is supposedly complete (needs a new oil pan). And the transmission was
supposed to have worked fine when they pulled it out. And the radiator
looks to be in decent shape (no shroud, just the radiator). If there is
interest, I'll bring it all to Celina so folks can look atitand I'll sell
the stuff towhomever offers me the most by the end of Saturday at Celina.
Since I now have experience pulling apart the water transmission, would
any interested folks want me to open it up so you can see the gears at
Celina? I'm here at my Dad's today and tomorrow and he has all the tools,
but I don't. I can be reached Thursday and Friday at my Mom and Dad's
at 330-339-5702. Saturday and later, you can reach me toll free at
Jim Bihari