salvage yards...


Craig Taylor

"This particular yard is too cool. It is all paved, every car is
parked so you can open doors and hoods. All facing the same way and
same models together. They have 4 huge umbrellas made from 8 VW bug
hoods welded together. Other various hoods are used for awnings over
office windows too. Most of the yard is lined with ls school busses
filled with various parts. A place to wander around for sure!"

Hey John... I just finished wallowing in the mud under an old rusted
Ford trying to remove the front axle for my old plow truck. I can't
imagine a salvage yard with paved roads...

Craig in Alaska, 45 degrees and getting colder again....
Red 66

Cap''n John

> Hey John... I just finished wallowing in the mud under an old
> Ford trying to remove the front axle for my old plow truck. I can't
> imagine a salvage yard with paved roads...


I feel for ya! I have done that many times myself. Some of the local
places have seen me come in there for 25+ years. A couple of them
have used small cranes to lift cars up for me or just roll em on
their sides for eazy access. One I go to has cars back into the 20's.
Now they don't keep asking about how I am going to get through the
weeds or across the ruts. They just walk along knowing I have it
handled. I promise I won't fall further than the ground! ;)

Once I about gave the guys a heart attack. I had just gotten out of
the hospital and in order to get out the Dr. said I had to have a sub-
calian IV. It goes in by your shoulder and ends next to the heart in
an artery. I was tooling around looking for a specific part for
my '66 Caddy ragtop. I found it and returned back up from with my
goods. They looked at me and turned white. I looked down to discover
what I thought was just sweat, was blood. Not a little, but the
entire side and front of my shirt was wet with it. It seems that the
motion of my arms pushing my wheelchair had pumped blood between the
IV and my skin. It wasn't a concern, but it was disconcerting!
