rotors Club gift? Celina white amphi ebay Ozark Ts lipstick


David Derer

I bet if Club bought in quanity all would be happy. Perhaps make it the
Club gift. Cigar Guy can always raffle the extras off--one at a
time.............Another Celina idea to thank the ones that brought an
Amphicar- A special T shirt, some raffle tickets, and some other goodies
only allowed to the ones that bring a Amphi. ** The white Amphi
currently on Ebay ,One of the best I have seen. I want his clock! It
truly is excellent-makes the red one a bit ......(You fill in blank).
Told Margie about lip stick T shirt idea. A look I got only a Wife could
produce!!!! Later Dave the oil pan developed a leak on bottom arggh Wave.


Out of curiosity I sent them an email to see what is the best price
they could do for 320 of the rotors.

Ron Green

--- In, David Derer <dmd@...> wrote:
> I bet if Club bought in quanity all would be happy. Perhaps make it
> Club gift. Cigar Guy can always raffle the extras off--one at a
> time.............Another Celina idea to thank the ones that brought
> Amphicar- A special T shirt, some raffle tickets, and some other
> only allowed to the ones that bring a Amphi. ** The white Amphi
> currently on Ebay ,One of the best I have seen. I want his clock! It
> truly is excellent-makes the red one a bit ......(You fill in blank).
> Told Margie about lip stick T shirt idea. A look I got only a Wife
> produce!!!! Later Dave the oil pan developed a leak on bottom arggh