Ed Howard
Hi Folks:
This is just a reminder that the Los Angeles area Springtime Swim-in
is coming up soon on May 4th, 2003.
Once again, we will be heading out to Puddingstone Lake in the San
Dimas area for a day of fun.
Hope everyone who is in the area can make it. It looks like we should
have about 10 Amphicars there that day.
See ya.
Ed Howard
Orange County, CA
64 Red
This is just a reminder that the Los Angeles area Springtime Swim-in
is coming up soon on May 4th, 2003.
Once again, we will be heading out to Puddingstone Lake in the San
Dimas area for a day of fun.
Hope everyone who is in the area can make it. It looks like we should
have about 10 Amphicars there that day.
See ya.
Ed Howard
Orange County, CA
64 Red