Red glorious red


David Derer

The 66 is now a beautiful original red. It gets to a point where you
have to say enough is enough. There is always a spot that could be
improved on. I find I drive myself insane. I had a spot on those famous
raised lips. It is an area of distortion that I hate. Hours of hammering
and sanding and I still was not satisfied. I called up a potential buyer
and told him I was going to paint soon. He came out and looked over the
car for and hour or so. He was shown all areas of replacement. He
finally says " My son says to have our car he grew up with restored." He
then added " Iam very picky" I pointed to raised lip and asked if he
saw a problem. He said no . So now a 64 is scheduled for fall. He lives
only 30 minutes away and Iam looking forward to having another Amphi so
close. The Lake Geneva swim is picking up steam and should be great fun.
I really need to seal hood better. I understand Lake Geneva gets pretty
rough. I promised myself that when the 66 was finished being painted I
would take two full days and sand Brown Wonder and paint what ever was
left. We will see. Hey can I still call it Brown Wonder even if its
red? Later Dave the Wave Viva Lake Geneva!!

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