I don't understand this question. I would think that the difference
in tightness required has more to do with keeping the nut from working
it's way off, rather than having some mystical power on the cars
handling. In this case, the cotter pin would keep the nut from coming
loose and any tightening beyond "tight" would simply lead to possible
fatique or damage to the nut or shaft. Am I missing something?
John Friese
--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "David French" <david.french@e...> wrote:
> The last time I worked on the rear hubs, I tightened them as tight
as I
> could with a 3/4" breaker bar. However, I did remember to apply
> anti-seize compound to the mating surfaces so I could remove it
later. I
> recall looking in a VW service manual for their torque values and
> book said to make it as tight as possible. So far I haven't had any
> problems; but I'll find out for sure the next time I remove the hub!
> Dave French
> Everett, WA
> Red/White '64
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Chapman [mailto:david@m...]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 1:08 PM
> To: amphicar-lovers@y...
> Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] Rear hub nut tightness
> I guess that's what I'll have to do, anyone else comment on how
tight it
> should
> be ?
> David:
> Good Question. I asked the same question when I was putting my car
> together. If I am unsure of something I try and ask Dave the Wave
> he
> has working experience in alot of Amphi things. He said as tight as
> can
> get it and I think Hugh Gordon did too.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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