RE recognizable senders



Charles -

I have to say I am definitely with you all the way. I think my suggestion
of a first name and last initial or first name and city name make good sense.
Being a pretty close knit club, I too don't see much need for more anonymity
than my suggested signatures would allow.
By the way, the "unsigned but recognizeable" was equally unrecongnizeable to
me also. By the time I read the e-mail, my admittedly questionable grey
matter had lost track of who had said exactly what and therefore the sender was
still unrecognizeable to me.

By the way, Charles, I was to a Microcar meet in Longwood a week ago. No
Darts, but several other GoGos. There was one Peel Trident "kit car or replica"
but very nice - a soft aqua color. About 35 cars in all were there as was
Mr. Moustache from the Speed Channel whose name momentarily escapes me.

Vic near Daytona (as
you know)

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New Member
Hi Vic,
I agree, and without beating an old horse to death, the problem continues as
it is impossible for me to send a diect response to anyone of a private
message, if I never got to see who actually wrote it. I guess that I could adjust my
end by subscribing to a digest or by getting messages directly from the site,
but it is far less convenient than my preference for individual email
messages, and I can't even look up an email address if I don't have an indication
fowho it is from.
Glad you enjoyed the Microcar meet. I had hoped to attend, but just could not
get away.
Hope to see you in Juky at our event up here.

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