Rcaine Boat Show



Here is the latest information I have on the Racine in water boat show. The
show runs from 8/15-8/18. We are only featured on Thursday the 15th. The day
starts at 11:00AM with Press Preview-sponsor and VIP guests. We will be
provided with a free lunch at noon. At 1:00PM the inwater show starts with an
Amphicar parade. This will also include a water wheelie entrance for those
who wish to. Certain members of the media have asked for a ride at this time
with their camera crews. After this we are invited to park in the lot and
answer all the usual questions like "do you take it in the water?" and "how
deep does it go?". After that other events will take place such as dive
rescue and underwater camera demonstrations. There is also a Celebrity canoe
and kayak race which we might participate in. The wrap up with the press and
media is at 2:30PM. We can do what ever we want after that. Wisconsin Public
Television does want to do a 7-8 minute interview for a show. I think Dave
the Wave would be an excellent spokesman. Don't you?

I found two camp grounds listed in the Racine phone book if any one is
interested. They are Cliff Side 1-262-639-3385 and Sanders Park on Wood Road.

The show is located at Reefpoint Marina. The best directions I can give you
are, exit I-94 at highway 20 then go east on 20. 20 ends and becomes
Washington Street which winds around to the lake front.
We should be able to get in and unload without paying. They will be watching
for us. I hope many of us can make it. Contact me if you need anything else.

Tim Wick