Kazoo Books
To the group: Phyllis and I have been organizing the raffle and hope
to have the best ever. We could use some help with donations. Items
that would be fun are little coolers, fold up lawn chairs, flashlights,
life jackets, bumpers for the car, first aid kits, any Amphi parts. I'm
sure you get the idea. It doesn't have to be an expensive item.
Anything will help.
I have also found 4 copies of the book, "Half-Safe" and will be
raffling these copies at Celina. One of them is a signed copy.
As a note: Our Molly now has a Happy Gas Line, so we can come to Celina
this year and not get "brow-beat" about our gas line. !!!
Any ideas or questions, let me know. Gloria
Thank You
James & Gloria Tiller
and Tinker
Kazoo Books
407 N. Clarendon
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49006
(800)516-2665 (269)385-2665
email read@kazoobooks.com
Now with a second location
Kazoo Books II
2413 Parkview
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
- over 100,000 quality New and used books
to have the best ever. We could use some help with donations. Items
that would be fun are little coolers, fold up lawn chairs, flashlights,
life jackets, bumpers for the car, first aid kits, any Amphi parts. I'm
sure you get the idea. It doesn't have to be an expensive item.
Anything will help.
I have also found 4 copies of the book, "Half-Safe" and will be
raffling these copies at Celina. One of them is a signed copy.
As a note: Our Molly now has a Happy Gas Line, so we can come to Celina
this year and not get "brow-beat" about our gas line. !!!
Any ideas or questions, let me know. Gloria
Thank You
James & Gloria Tiller
and Tinker
Kazoo Books
407 N. Clarendon
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49006
(800)516-2665 (269)385-2665
email read@kazoobooks.com
Now with a second location
Kazoo Books II
2413 Parkview
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
- over 100,000 quality New and used books