Racine Boat Show



Racine Wisconsin holds an in water boat show every year in August. The show
runs from Thursday, August 15 thru August 18. The promoter of this event is a
customer of mine and he has asked me to ask all of you if any one can make it
to Racine on Thursday, August 18 to be part of the opening ceremonies. We
would need to be there by 10:30 or so. They will provide us with
lunch\breakfast about 11:00. They are interested in 3 or 4 or more Amphis if
possible. Wisconsin public television's Dan Small will be filming for a PBS
special. We would go swimming at the start then have a place for a display
where we could answer all those familiar questions from the curious. If
anyone can make it please contact me ASAP because they want to make the media
guide and would like to include us.

Tim Wick


I just received confirmation from the promoter that Dan Small from Outdoor
Wisconsin, a PBS show on Wisconsin Public Television will do a 7-8 minute
feature on our Amphicars on Thursday, August 15. If anyone can make it to
Racine Wisconsin that morning please let me know.
Tim Wick

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Daryl Tresner

I think I can make it for this show on Thurs. I can not stay for the
weekend, but right now it looks like Thurs. will work.
Daryl Tresner in Dodgeville Wi. 608-935-2626. daryl@mhtc.net
----- Original Message -----
From: <wick68355@aol.com>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 10:49 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Racine Boat Show

> Racine Wisconsin holds an in water boat show every year in August. The
> runs from Thursday, August 15 thru August 18. The promoter of this event
is a
> customer of mine and he has asked me to ask all of you if any one can make
> to Racine on Thursday, August 18 to be part of the opening ceremonies. We
> would need to be there by 10:30 or so. They will provide us with
> lunch\breakfast about 11:00. They are interested in 3 or 4 or more Amphis
> possible. Wisconsin public television's Dan Small will be filming for a
> special. We would go swimming at the start then have a place for a display
> where we could answer all those familiar questions from the curious. If
> anyone can make it please contact me ASAP because they want to make the
> guide and would like to include us.
> Tim Wick
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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