questions on prepping metal for rechroming


Jim Davis

The bumper off my Amphi "Butler" needs some TLC. It has to be
sandblasted, dents taken out and a little bit of welding done. If I
want to get it rechromed when I'm done, what do I need to know so I
don't use the wrong welding rod or putty or whatever. Thanks for any
jim davis
Butler's dad

Mike Israel

When I did my bumper the chrome shop took care of all of that at a relatively
reasonable price. I did not sand blast it, they dropped it in a tank of acid.

Jim Davis <> wrote:The bumper off my Amphi "Butler"
needs some TLC. It has to be
sandblasted, dents taken out and a little bit of welding done. If I
want to get it rechromed when I'm done, what do I need to know so I
don't use the wrong welding rod or putty or whatever. Thanks for any
jim davis
Butler's dad

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