Can anyone suggest a good pump unit to remove the gear lubricant from
the tranny? I've tried a couple devices from my local auto parts
store and either the tubes were too large or they wouldn't suck up
the thick gear oil.
John Friese
Actually, those ubiquitous and usually orange and black foot-long hand
operated air and water pumps (mine's sold under the 'Shopcraft' brand name)
WILL work if you use them with exceptional patience. Once you get them
primed with a very s l o w and even stroke, they function a bit like a
siphon hose. You'll know they're priming because you will feel a sort of
blib-blib in the pump body you are holding as you gently retract the
plunger. Once the pump chamber feels about a third full of oil, then you
press the plunger slowly home. Once home, you will likely see the plunger
beginning to rise again by itself as the vacuum draws up more oil. Just
help it along gently and before you know it you'll hear the "slursh" of
satisfaction. There are also only slightly more expensive power
drill-operated pumps available in most auto supply joints, and I've read of
folks using these to good effect.
Still, while all such pumps are certainly handy for oil changes of tranny
units that are known to be sound, water-free and dare I say "overly
pampered", like mine, which gets an oil change every year at the end of the
sailing season, the pumps don't really get everything out, especially the
crud and water that has been gathering for thirty-odd years at the very
bottom of the units. If this is the first oil change of the trannies of an
Amphi under one's care, one might be well advised at least this once to give
it as thorough a draining as possible in order to get every last bit of crud
and water out before refilling. It's a bit of a pain, sure, and it would
help to have the wrist of a squirrel monkey, but all the same, links for
detailed instructions and pictures for the "total drain" can be found on the
Club website's "Restoration" page at
Good Luck!
(Lubricant Fetishist)