In a word, it was Hot? Hot? Hot? HOT!
By 11:00 AM it was over 90 degrees F.
By noon the thermometer exploded and
the local Haz-Mat Team was called in
to clean up the mercury spillage.
Good thing we had our Amphicars and
could escape the heat by swimming in
the lake. The Ranger nazis had it
in for us? no ramp parking, no beach
splash entries, and even a verbal
warning over the bullhorn, "YOU IN
SLOW DOWN NOW!!!" Did I mention it
was HOT?! Aside from that it was a
great swim-in, seven Amphis, all 4
original colors represented. Some
newcomers too! Thanks to Ed H. for
putting it all together and to Rick R.
for giving me trailer rights for the
journey. Also condolences to Steve R.,
but I'll let him tell his story (I
feel guilty I was out of range to be
of assistance). By the way, did I
tell you how freakin' HOT it was?!
Several fires in the foothills on the
way home. My Oldsmobile did great
towing Amphi, but gave up the ghost
and overheated as we pulled in our
driveway. Damn, it was HOT, did I
already mention that?. Gord, did you
say it was snowing up there in Canada?
'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA ? HOT!
By 11:00 AM it was over 90 degrees F.
By noon the thermometer exploded and
the local Haz-Mat Team was called in
to clean up the mercury spillage.
Good thing we had our Amphicars and
could escape the heat by swimming in
the lake. The Ranger nazis had it
in for us? no ramp parking, no beach
splash entries, and even a verbal
warning over the bullhorn, "YOU IN
SLOW DOWN NOW!!!" Did I mention it
was HOT?! Aside from that it was a
great swim-in, seven Amphis, all 4
original colors represented. Some
newcomers too! Thanks to Ed H. for
putting it all together and to Rick R.
for giving me trailer rights for the
journey. Also condolences to Steve R.,
but I'll let him tell his story (I
feel guilty I was out of range to be
of assistance). By the way, did I
tell you how freakin' HOT it was?!
Several fires in the foothills on the
way home. My Oldsmobile did great
towing Amphi, but gave up the ghost
and overheated as we pulled in our
driveway. Damn, it was HOT, did I
already mention that?. Gord, did you
say it was snowing up there in Canada?
'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA ? HOT!