Prop shaft removal clarification needed

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I am in the middle of replacing the left side prop shaft bearings and
have found a need for clarification B4 I do any damage to my assembly.
I did search escribe and didn't find any details in this specific
Time is critical as we are leaving for Celina Thursday morning and we
do want to swim.
The instruction book says:
Remove 8 bolts.
Draw shaft housing away and clean it.
Place in vise.
Remove prop and 2 keys, zerk, locking ring and then oil seals.
Using a bronze drift, drive shaft out in the direction of the prop.
The photo in the book shows driving it towards the inside.
Which is the correct direction?
And how do the oil seals come out?
Marty in WI

David Chapman


From memory (as it's about 10 years since I last did one - thanks Amsoil!)
you remove the housing as said and then use a drift and the shaft goes
towards the inside of the car. It's often v tight and you musn't pound on
the end or you will damage the thread, same problem as with the axles. The
bearings do get grumbly but most people just seem to put up with it, try
spinning a few props by hand in Celina and you'll see what I mean !

Given the time to go (this time tomorrow I'll be on my way there) I'd be
tempted to leave it or if it's really bad just change the oil seal behind
the prop (very simple) and give it a few squirts of Amsoil or any other
synthetic waterproof grease if you don't have Amsoil to hand.

David Chapman

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 4:41 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Prop shaft removal clarification needed

I am in the middle of replacing the left side prop shaft bearings and
have found a need for clarification B4 I do any damage to my assembly.
I did search escribe and didn't find any details in this specific
Time is critical as we are leaving for Celina Thursday morning and we
do want to swim.
The instruction book says:
Remove 8 bolts.
Draw shaft housing away and clean it.
Place in vise.
Remove prop and 2 keys, zerk, locking ring and then oil seals.
Using a bronze drift, drive shaft out in the direction of the prop.
The photo in the book shows driving it towards the inside.
Which is the correct direction?
And how do the oil seals come out?
Marty in WI

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I have rebuilt both of my prop shafts. I learned the hard way (after I tried
pressing the shaft out the wrong way). At any rate, remove the oil seals.
This can be done many ways. One way is to drive a screwdriver between the
outside of the seal and inside of the housing and try to collapse the seal on
itself. I find that tapping a screwdriver in between the seal and housing and
just prying outward will usually pop it right out. You might have to use the
screwdriver in several spots, but usually 180 degrees out of eachother is
enough. Once the seals are removed, there are two circlips that must be
removed. After this is done using a brass mallet you will be able to tell which
way the shaft comes out by tapping on either end. You can't hurt anything and
there isn't anything else holding the shaft in there other than the press fit of
the bearings