Prop light question


The red light top center of my dash comes on when the ignition is on and stays on. It it supposed to come on only when Props are engaguged? The switch at teh transmition seems to work ok but the wire color is not matching my diagram. I have a white and blue wire running to that switch with a short jumper to another leg and a brown ground off the third leg. The wiring diagram shows a brown wire from the switch to the light. Does this light get power from anything else? Back of teh cluster guage maybe?


whie/blue wire shoulod be hot. light comes on when switch grounds it, ajust switch or replace if defective,, I have NOS ones in stock
Gord S


Got it working right. The red green light was grounded to the hood through the bolt. Made a couple rubber gaskets to unilateral it and now my hood and pole light only come on when the dash switch is on and the prop switch is in forward or reverse. The dash light come on only when the props are engauged.

Remarkably everything electrical is working fine! Negative ground conversion and all! Wipers park, fuel gauge mod works, and every widget lights up or turns on as it should! Hell even the clock is keeping accurate time now! :) My Amphi is happy with me after eight years of being torn apart!