problem with pounding noise in gearbox while driving


New Member
I have a problem with a pounding noise whem i'm driving ,it starts at 40 miles/hour.
When you then push the clutch in the noise stays but when you put the gear in neutral the noise stops.Does anyone have the same problem or an answer for my problem ?

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
Jack up and inspect axle u joints. With clutch in there is still drag on trans internals. Less when in neutral. Also look at hub being loose, as in keyway is worn or sheared. Dave


Amphicar Expert
Have you just worked on the Axles?..Talking with a customer at The London Amphicar meet on weekend,, I had done his Axles last year but he thought he would take them apart and greese them. Now his car shakes and thumps at 35--40 mph.
What he has done is install the splines in a off position. They MUST BE installed with the U Brakets at the same parallel not 90%.. or a tooth off .
This is hard to decribe on computer but I can send photos.will see if I have a pic. or will snap some.

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
Campground is next to it on the other side of the river "MAAS".
Campground is called : "Marina Oolder Huuske"
Ever go here? Gord and I have buddies that go there with their Amphicars. Dave


Amphicar Expert
Dave.. What are you talking about..Campground??

anyway I found a pic..This is the way they are put together.. see both ends U joints have same pivots.. make sure area where seals sit have no groves from old hard seals..

Also a pic of poor swing axles. the only way to see rust is to fully take them apart!IMG_4627.JPG


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Amphicar Expert
wat hij probeerd uit te leggen is dat de u-joints in de achteras volledig met elkaar opgelijnd moeten zijn, anders zit die hele auto te schudden als een idioot
Herb, from Gord's lair


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New Member
i think that will be the solution because the u joints where indeed in the on other position in
thank you very much for your help