Postage Stamps, Tequila, & Bubbles...

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US Post Office issues commemorative stamp
in my likeness. It's the 33 cent "Amphipod"
stamp (they forgot the "a" at the end). My
first Amphipoda stamp sighting came to me via
the Gordon Imports sales flyer. Did anyone else
get one of these collector gems? Or did the nice
folks at Gordon's do that special just for me? In
any event I am honored beyond description and
have a new found respect for snail mail. At the
very least I must find something in the Gordon's
flyer to buy - after all the holidays are coming
and Amphi has been really good this year.

To Dave the Tequila Bottle Hiding Wave: Is
the 2001 swim-in at Celina? Haven't yet heard
about it from the newly elected board of directors.
Perhaps they are trapped in Florida doing recounts.
Anyway, if Celina 2001 is a reality then I can
assure you that Amphipoda & Mermaid will do
our best to be in attendance and the buried bottle
of Tequila will be found with ease... I have a
Tequila devining rod. (oh, did I leave myself
open on that last sentence...)

Scanning the digest we happened upon the auto
storage bubble posted via Wildbill (aka Wayne
and Kathy). I was immediately intrigued by the
bubble concept as we have a few cats who love
to nest inside Amphi. So I showed the picture to
Amphi who then became a gasp with horror. The
movie "Boy in a Bubble" came to mind. So my
Amphi wants to know what is wrong with your
Amphi's immune system and to make sure you
have a backup generator on the oxygen supply
in case of emergency.

To all our amphibian friends across the land,
Mermaid & I wish you a warm and wonderful
Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. We all have
much to be thankful for... we all have Amphicars!

`64 Turquoise
San Diego