I wanted to get to the information straight on which Pertronix
electronic ignition is right for the Amphi. My Amphi was converted to
negative ground when I bought a Pertronix unit from a local dealer.
He had told me that an LU 142A unit was correct for negative ground
and an LU 142AP was the positive ground version. When I put it in, I
had to use a razor blade to trim off a bit of the rubber grommet that
goes through the side wall. No big deal and the system worked fine.
Then, in this group, I heard that an LU 149 was the correct unit. I
called Pertronix and found out that the only difference between the
two was this chop of the grommet. I had them send me a grommet from a
149 unit to confirm this. They did. In fact it looks like the 149
grommet is the same grommet only THEY chopped the grommet off a bit.
I guess they decided not to spend the money for a separate mold when
all you needed was to chop off a bit. Anyway, the correct one for an
unmodified Amphi would be an LU 149AP. If your dealer doesn't stock
that model, as mine didn't, just get, the more common, LU 142AP and do
the chopping yourself. And if you run a negative ground car just drop
the "P" from the end of the model number. The negative ground units
are a bit cheaper also, although they're not too expensive anyway,
being about $75, and they work great.
John Friese
electronic ignition is right for the Amphi. My Amphi was converted to
negative ground when I bought a Pertronix unit from a local dealer.
He had told me that an LU 142A unit was correct for negative ground
and an LU 142AP was the positive ground version. When I put it in, I
had to use a razor blade to trim off a bit of the rubber grommet that
goes through the side wall. No big deal and the system worked fine.
Then, in this group, I heard that an LU 149 was the correct unit. I
called Pertronix and found out that the only difference between the
two was this chop of the grommet. I had them send me a grommet from a
149 unit to confirm this. They did. In fact it looks like the 149
grommet is the same grommet only THEY chopped the grommet off a bit.
I guess they decided not to spend the money for a separate mold when
all you needed was to chop off a bit. Anyway, the correct one for an
unmodified Amphi would be an LU 149AP. If your dealer doesn't stock
that model, as mine didn't, just get, the more common, LU 142AP and do
the chopping yourself. And if you run a negative ground car just drop
the "P" from the end of the model number. The negative ground units
are a bit cheaper also, although they're not too expensive anyway,
being about $75, and they work great.
John Friese