Ora Stewart the Yukon river swim


Craig Taylor

I just had a wonderful conversation with Mrs. Ora Stewart of Anchorage
Ak. She had a wonderfull story to tell me about a trip her and Her
husband took down the Yukon river in 64. They put in in Eagle and
pulled out in Circle. She said it was written up in a british paper.
Anyone out there have a copy? I will be going to see her car when I get
home in a few weeks I'll bring the digital camera and send out some
pics. I'm still hunting for that lost Alaskan Amphi hidden in a barn in
Telkeetna or some such place... You know the one. The 500 mile job for
50 bucks.

Craig, Flat Lake Alaska

David Chapman

Somewhere amongst my Amphi literature I have that story, there were 2 cars,
one red and one white, that traveled down the river, camping overnight on
beaches, a sort of dave the wave adventure !

David Chapman

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Taylor" <craigtaylor@alaska.com>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 11:18 PM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Ora Stewart the Yukon river swim

I just had a wonderful conversation with Mrs. Ora Stewart of Anchorage
Ak. She had a wonderfull story to tell me about a trip her and Her
husband took down the Yukon river in 64. They put in in Eagle and
pulled out in Circle. She said it was written up in a british paper.
Anyone out there have a copy? I will be going to see her car when I get
home in a few weeks I'll bring the digital camera and send out some
pics. I'm still hunting for that lost Alaskan Amphi hidden in a barn in
Telkeetna or some such place... You know the one. The 500 mile job for
50 bucks.

Craig, Flat Lake Alaska

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Craig Taylor

Dave, if you come across it can you send me a copy?

Craig, Flat Lake Alaska

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Chapman" <davidc@avonlogic.freeserve.co.uk>
Date: Monday, June 18, 2001 2:49 pm
Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] Ora Stewart the Yukon river swim

> Somewhere amongst my Amphi literature I have that story, there
> were 2 cars,
> one red and one white, that traveled down the river, camping
> overnight on
> beaches, a sort of dave the wave adventure !
> David Chapman
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Craig Taylor" <craigtaylor@alaska.com>
> To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 11:18 PM
> Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Ora Stewart the Yukon river swim
> I just had a wonderful conversation with Mrs. Ora Stewart of Anchorage
> Ak. She had a wonderfull story to tell me about a trip her and Her
> husband took down the Yukon river in 64. They put in in Eagle and
> pulled out in Circle. She said it was written up in a british paper.
> Anyone out there have a copy? I will be going to see her car when
> I get
> home in a few weeks I'll bring the digital camera and send out some
> pics. I'm still hunting for that lost Alaskan Amphi hidden in a
> barn in
> Telkeetna or some such place... You know the one. The 500 mile job for
> 50 bucks.
> Craig, Flat Lake Alaska
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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How far did you say that river trip was, I believe you may have said
something in an earlier post.
Marty & Caryl
'64 Turq

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., Craig Taylor <craigtaylor@a...> wrote:
> I just had a wonderful conversation with Mrs. Ora Stewart of
> Ak. She had a wonderfull story to tell me about a trip her and Her
> Craig, Flat Lake Alaska

Craig Taylor

Re: Re: Ora Stewart the Yukon river swim

I was looking at a map earlyer to day, not a very detailed one but it
looked liked 125 to 150 as the crow flyes. My guess would be close to
200 with all the twists and turns. Ora told me they would have gone
alot further but gas was scarse in 64. These days I don't think gas
would be such a problem. Heck if you had a chase boat you could go all
the way to the Dalton Hwy bridge. Not sure how far that would be maybe
I will look into it.

Craig, Flat Lake Alaska

----- Original Message -----
From: martyandcaryl@charter.net
Date: Monday, June 18, 2001 6:23 pm
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Re: Ora Stewart the Yukon river swim

> Craig
> How far did you say that river trip was, I believe you may have
> said
> something in an earlier post.
> Marty & Caryl
> '64 Turq
> --- In amphicar-lovers@y..., Craig Taylor <craigtaylor@a...> wrote:
> > I just had a wonderful conversation with Mrs. Ora Stewart of
> Anchorage
> > Ak. She had a wonderfull story to tell me about a trip her and
> Her
> >
> > Craig, Flat Lake Alaska
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> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@egroups.com
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