Craig Taylor
I just had a wonderful conversation with Mrs. Ora Stewart of Anchorage
Ak. She had a wonderfull story to tell me about a trip her and Her
husband took down the Yukon river in 64. They put in in Eagle and
pulled out in Circle. She said it was written up in a british paper.
Anyone out there have a copy? I will be going to see her car when I get
home in a few weeks I'll bring the digital camera and send out some
pics. I'm still hunting for that lost Alaskan Amphi hidden in a barn in
Telkeetna or some such place... You know the one. The 500 mile job for
50 bucks.
Craig, Flat Lake Alaska
Ak. She had a wonderfull story to tell me about a trip her and Her
husband took down the Yukon river in 64. They put in in Eagle and
pulled out in Circle. She said it was written up in a british paper.
Anyone out there have a copy? I will be going to see her car when I get
home in a few weeks I'll bring the digital camera and send out some
pics. I'm still hunting for that lost Alaskan Amphi hidden in a barn in
Telkeetna or some such place... You know the one. The 500 mile job for
50 bucks.
Craig, Flat Lake Alaska