One more time


"Cap''n" John

Dropped off the Amphi at another body shop. He was almost beside
himself at the chance to do an Amphi. He is even giving me a good
break on the shop rate! Should be done in about 4 or 5 weeks.

When I picked up the Amphi from the moron who was going to do it, he
had pushed it outside to the street, and there it sat. Bare metal in
the snow for a week. I know where some of the leaks are anyway. Now
it has a nice "patina" that isn't desireable on an Amphi. He still
doesn't understand why I am so pissed off. Humm, wait for 5 months
then bring in the car so it can sit in the snow and rust away. Why
would that make me mad? :^|


Bill Connelly

> He still
> doesn't understand why I am so pissed off. Humm, wait for 5 months
> then bring in the car so it can sit in the snow and rust away. Why
> would that make me mad? :^|
> Cap'n

I know how you can make him grasp the idea. Sue him for willful destruction
and damage to your property. Presumably your Amphi body will now require
additional treatment to remove the rust caused by his mishandling of your
property in his care. That and his breach of your agreement plus your legal
costs to rectify these matters is at issue. Dum-dum should pay for all
this, not you. I'm not normally very litigious, but in this case I say,
"Sic 'em!"


Ray Handloser

To much hassle...Just shoot him

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Bill Connelly" <billiam@e...> wrote:
> > He still
> > doesn't understand why I am so pissed off. Humm, wait for 5 months
> > then bring in the car so it can sit in the snow and rust away. Why
> > would that make me mad? :^|
> >
> > Cap'n
> >
> I know how you can make him grasp the idea. Sue him for willful
> and damage to your property. Presumably your Amphi body will now
> additional treatment to remove the rust caused by his mishandling of
> property in his care. That and his breach of your agreement plus
your legal
> costs to rectify these matters is at issue. Dum-dum should pay for
> this, not you. I'm not normally very litigious, but in this case I
> "Sic 'em!"
> ~Bilgemaster~

"Cap''n" John

He was worried that I would sue him if the car sank after he painted
it. He probably didn't even think about me sueing him if he DIDN"T
paint it!

He is running an illegal shop out of his garage. The county he is in,
is really into shutting down these places because of enviromental
issues as well as obvious safety concerns. One phone call this summer
when he is really busy would be very bad (loss of business and fines)
for him and entertaining for me. I'm still just thinking about it...


Craig Taylor

Re: Re: One more time

Pass the info on to the list John. I'm sure someone here would be happy
to make that call! Let us all know when his business is just hopping
and the EPA's phone will start ringing off the hook. :) I say shut the
SOB down!

Craig, Flat Lake Alaska

----- Original Message -----
From: "&quot;Cap'n&quot; John" <>
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 10:28 am
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Re: One more time

> He was worried that I would sue him if the car sank after he
> painted
> it. He probably didn't even think about me sueing him if he DIDN"T
> paint it!
> He is running an illegal shop out of his garage. The county he is
> in,
> is really into shutting down these places because of enviromental
> issues as well as obvious safety concerns. One phone call this
> summer
> when he is really busy would be very bad (loss of business and
> fines)
> for him and entertaining for me. I'm still just thinking about it...
> JB
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Michael Echemann

This guy must be an idiot to handle your sandblasted Amphi in such a
disrespectfull manner. I'd explore your options, let him know what you
expect then follow through. No one wants to hurt a guy and his business but
maybe in this case what comes around should go around. Only you can decide.
----- Original Message -----
From: &quot;Cap'n&quot; John <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 10:46 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] One more time

> Dropped off the Amphi at another body shop. He was almost beside
> himself at the chance to do an Amphi. He is even giving me a good
> break on the shop rate! Should be done in about 4 or 5 weeks.
> When I picked up the Amphi from the moron who was going to do it, he
> had pushed it outside to the street, and there it sat. Bare metal in
> the snow for a week. I know where some of the leaks are anyway. Now
> it has a nice "patina" that isn't desireable on an Amphi. He still
> doesn't understand why I am so pissed off. Humm, wait for 5 months
> then bring in the car so it can sit in the snow and rust away. Why
> would that make me mad? :^|
> Cap'n
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Capt' John,
This bodyshop guy needs a
lesson that only we amphibians
can inflict. First I request
that you post his name/address for
all of us to send "free" subscriptions
(those little mail-in tabs from
every magazine) so we can sign
him up for all magazines on the
planet. Once his mail box
bursts from junk mail... we'll
move to phase II.

'64 Turquoise
Sandy Eggo, CA

Anyone. that puts any vehicle out to the elements when it's down to bare
metal deserves to pay for it.


"Cap''n" John

OK, I have decided to contact a Lawyer. The current bodyman says that
the surface rust will add between 20 to 40 hours to the bill. Getting
it out from behind the dash and in all the places will be tough at

So after much deliberation, I feel that Matthew should realize that
this will not be tolerated and could have been avoided easily by one
of two things (either one would take only minutes);

1 - Telling me in at the outset October that he did not want to take
the job
2 - Spending 2 minutes to cover it up with a tarp. If he didn't have
one, I would have went and bought one immediately.

He just called and refuses to take any responsibility what so ever. I
even gave him the opportunity avoid all this by removing the rust he
allowed to form. He refused, and so it goes.....

<heavy sigh>


Re: Re: One more time

<font FACE="arial,helvetica"><font SIZE="2">I'll bet the $20.00 tarp he didn't use will wind up costing him 100 fold.

This is just common sense. This Guy seems like a "Don't give a ----" type of


64 Blue

66 White

67 Yellow</font>