Oil filters


Michael Echemann

Fram PH-16 is the perfect application. "pay now or pay later" as they say.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Chambers <kenneth3@concentric.net>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 10:07 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Oil filters

> I've been wondering about oil filters for the Amphicar. The filters
supplied by Hugh are no doubt the correct and possibly the best ones to use.
They are Unipart GFE 121. I've been unsuccessful in identifying a cross
reference to other common brand automotive filters. Based on the following
posting from the Sacramento Valley MG Car Club, <<www.svmgcc.org>>, has
anyone noticed the rod knock symptoms as described
> below while using another (cheap) filter? I think our Herald and the MG
engines are fairly similar in design, or at least in the oil filter mounting
> SVMGCC posting: "I would like to cover Rod Bearing Knock, when you first
start up your MG from cold. This is more noticeable on the later MGB and
Midget 1500cc engines, because on the MGB the oil filter is mounted upside
down and on the Midget it is mounted at a slight angle.
> The problem when using a non-Unipart or Crosland brand oil filter is that
the oil in the oil filter will slowly drain back into the engine over time.
So when you start your cold engine, the oil has to come back into your oil
filter before you can build up any oil pressure, thus you will have rod
bearing knock for a few seconds.
> Unipart and Crosland brand oil filters have oil check valves built inside
the filters to stop the oil from draining out, thus minimizing loss of oil
pressure. Never ever use non-factory oil filters for your MG. Some
American made filters have anti-drainback valves, but they vary widely in
quality. The Unipart brand has a pretty good valve."
> So again, has anyone noticed any rod knock upon start up using American
filters? What filters are you using?
> Ken Chambers, CA
> '64 Amphi
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Ken Chambers

I've been wondering about oil filters for the Amphicar. The filters supplied by
Hugh are no doubt the correct and possibly the best ones to use. They are
Unipart GFE 121. I've been unsuccessful in identifying a cross reference to
other common brand automotive filters. Based on the following posting from the
Sacramento Valley MG Car Club, <<www.svmgcc.org>>, has anyone noticed the rod
knock symptoms as described
below while using another (cheap) filter? I think our Herald and the MG engines
are fairly similar in design, or at least in the oil filter mounting

SVMGCC posting: "I would like to cover Rod Bearing Knock, when you first start
up your MG from cold. This is more noticeable on the later MGB and Midget
1500cc engines, because on the MGB the oil filter is mounted upside down and on
the Midget it is mounted at a slight angle.

The problem when using a non-Unipart or Crosland brand oil filter is that the
oil in the oil filter will slowly drain back into the engine over time. So when
you start your cold engine, the oil has to come back into your oil filter before
you can build up any oil pressure, thus you will have rod bearing knock for a
few seconds.

Unipart and Crosland brand oil filters have oil check valves built inside the
filters to stop the oil from draining out, thus minimizing loss of oil pressure.
Never ever use non-factory oil filters for your MG. Some American made filters
have anti-drainback valves, but they vary widely in quality. The Unipart brand
has a pretty good valve."

So again, has anyone noticed any rod knock upon start up using American filters?
What filters are you using?

Ken Chambers, CA
'64 Amphi

Mike Echemann

You can use Bosch "Super" plug #7597
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Chapman" <davidc@avonlogic.freeserve.co.uk>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] Oil Filters

> Take care with plugs - the Amphi uses the Triumph 1147cc engine which
> short reach plugs, most 1300/1500 Triumphs use long reach plugs - which
> but equals holes in tops of pistons !
> David Chapman
> To UNSUBSCRIBE from this group, just send an email TO THE FOLLOWING
ADDRESS (this is not the same address for posting messages):
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> Any other issues may be addressed to the list owner/admin (Mike Israel)
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

Mike Israel

I just use a Fram ToughGuard PH16. The Toughguard
line has the silicone check valve, thse standard
Orange Frams do not. They should be available at
WalMart. Off hand, I am not sure of what spark

--- wick68355@aol.com wrote:
> What is the number of the Fram oil filter with the
> check valve? Also what
> spark plugs do you use?
> Tim Wick
> white 63
> Wisconsin


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David Chapman

Take care with plugs - the Amphi uses the Triumph 1147cc engine which needs
short reach plugs, most 1300/1500 Triumphs use long reach plugs - which fit
but equals holes in tops of pistons !

David Chapman


I use the Fram Toughguard also but the number is
actually TG16. The PH16 is for the standard Fram
without the check valve. If you just remember 16 and
toughguard, you'll have the right one.
Greg Z.

--- Mike Israel <amphicar770@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I just use a Fram ToughGuard PH16. The Toughguard
> line has the silicone check valve, thse standard
> Orange Frams do not. They should be available at
> WalMart. Off hand, I am not sure of what spark
> plugs.
> --- wick68355@aol.com wrote:
> > What is the number of the Fram oil filter with the
> > check valve? Also what
> > spark plugs do you use?
> > Tim Wick
> > white 63
> > Wisconsin
> >
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Mike Israel

I stand corrected. :)
--- Greg <G_Zink_us@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I use the Fram Toughguard also but the number is
> actually TG16. The PH16 is for the standard Fram
> without the check valve. If you just remember 16 and
> toughguard, you'll have the right one.
> Greg Z.


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